For anyone building a Rack system


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
I found a great place to get racks at a fairly decent price for their construction. They are ATA approved and built like a fuckin tank. It is actually a dealer on Ebay, all he sells is ATA cases for various amps and cabinets, and he builds racks and shockracks (like a standard rack but with high density foam all around the inside). I just bought a 14 Space Shock Rack from this guy, hes trust worthy and ships fast. His prices are probably a little high but it is worth it when you see it in its fullness. The day I got it I was like, "this thing is fucking HUGE" but it's to protect your gear. heres what I got:
this is what the signal chain will be like, and ill put smilies next to the pieces i already have;

Jackson RX10D with an EMG 81 in the bridge (ill get the 85 later) !:headbang:

Sennheiser Digital Wireless 1000 Series

Sabine RT-7100 rack tuner !:headbang:

Line 6 POD Pro Preamp (only for the modeled amps) :headbang:

Rocktron Intellifex LTD !:headbang: just got it off ebay for $164

dbx 231 Graphic Equalizer !:headbang:

Alesis 3630 Compressor !:headbang:

ENGL 2X60 Watt Power Amplifier and of course,

Marshall 300 Watt Cabinets

Tell me what you think
I really really like ALL Engl amps I ever played. I bet that poweramp sounds awesome too. I'm not much of a fan of modelling stuff except for direct recording (that's were they sound better anyway), but I guess the Engl will give it a nice warm quality if you crank it. Do you have the tuner on your signal chain? I don't really like tuners on my signal path, I feel they add some noise. A/B is the way to go IMHO. But yeah man, good stuff you got there. I hear the Intellifex is great.

I'm looking for a harmonizer myself. I'm not even considering Eventide, since they are so expensive it's almost ridiculous. I tried a Digitech Bass Harmony Machine (discontinued) the other day and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Nice clean full harmonies, good tracking, amazing thing. And it's meant for BASS.
the Line 6 is just temproary until i find something i really really like. which will be hard, but i might go with a Lee Jackson GP-1000. I had one earlier, and didnt like it so I sold it, but now I like it.