For Bryant + any other Vanden Plas fan


Iced Guardian was taken:)
Mar 27, 2004
the new launched which includes a making of Christ 0 video on the main page.

They also have mp3s of their catalogue for anyone else that wants to check out Vanden Plas or has never heard of them.
BlindPanzer said:
the new launched which includes a making of Christ 0 video on the main page.

They also have mp3s of their catalogue for anyone else that wants to check out Vanden Plas or has never heard of them.

Vanden Plas ? Never heard of them. :erk:

I appreciate the tip BP. I have already checked it out and watched both the English and German versions. I am happy that my love of Vanden Plas preceeds me. I am very proud for those guys. They need to be more popular. The quality of music they have been releasing for years is of the highest quality. They outdid even their own standards this time around. Thanks for promoting these guys BP. They deserve it.

eboles said:
They should headline next year.
Every CD gets better and better.

I'll give Glenn a big wet one (on the cheek mind you) if he were to make that so. They would own as a headliner !!

As far as getting better and better..... I discovered them with the "The God Thing" release. I thought to myself..... man, this is their masterpiece. They can't make something better. Along comes "Far Off Grace." What an awesome release. They have peaked !! Well...... "Beyond Daylight" came out and I was floored once again. After listening to samples, I thought I would be disappointed in "Christ0." Man was I wrong !! They progressed more than even four years worth on this one. It is absolutely incredible.
I have spun this thing a hundred times (I caught it leaked) and I am still not close to being bored with it. If they fet much better, I will have to check into a hospital to listen to it. Mt brain won't be able to handle it and I will just go into a vegetative state.
