For Computer Geeks ONLY


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
My old host shut down my site a while ago for reasons unexplained. But it was a lame site anyway, though y'all might say the same about my new one :)

Anyway, I got a domain and came up with a pretty cool design that any INK fan should be able to appreciate. If you are bored at work or whatever, give Lightman 1.0 a shot. I wrote it over the long holiday weekend in between taking care of two babies. If you get stuck, try watching the movie WARGAMES ;)

New site is here:

Have fun!
Atheist said:
I didn't browse whole site because I have a problem with opening some pages, but idea for that in8-1000 hx site is great.

That in8-1000 is my buddy's site, it's so cool. There are tons of skins for it.

Type: skin swordfish as an example.

Anyway, I upgraded Lightman, so it should be easier to figure out what to do.

That's part of the game!
You have to think like you're in the movie and this is your computer terminal. You ARE David Lightman. What do you have to do? You don't have time to play those games...
Every error you see was generated by me :)

It's kinda like a text just gotta figure it is pretty hard unless you've seen the movie and you have experience with games or systems that take very specific commands and offer little help. And you will have the opportunity to play some of those "games" later on in the game. :)

If anyone here can beat it, I'll have to give them a prize :)
Haha so that is a problem. I don't knot what movie are you talking about and who is David Lightman. :)

And what is in8-1000?

Cool sites but it seems I missed a point. :D

David Lightman is the troublemaker/hero, played by Matthew Broderick in the movie Wargames (1983). He uses very old school equipment (I think he has a 300 baud modem) to hack into some top secret stuff. He ends up nearly causing a nuclear war but manages to fix his mistake and stop the computer form launching the missles in the end.

The in8-1000 is a mock up of an old Tandy computer (for sale exclusively at Radio Shack, if I remember correctly). But the whole idea there is that you have to navigate the website through the command prompt. Instead of clicking on links, you have to type "read about.txt" to see the about page. The skins are pretty cool, you just type:
skin swordfish
skin compy386

I'm not sure what else will be on that site, I know the guy is pretty busy right now.

Anyway, if you can get a copy of Wargames in English (typing jebi ga won't do anything in the game :D ) it will help alot! But I understand that's a lot of work just to play my silly game :)
It's "jebi se" when directed to someone, but HOW DID YOU TRANSLATE IT? :Spin:

I read help "files" on both sites and played around few days ago but there was no way to know it's about the movie.