Royal Carnage looking for site re-design and webmaster

Haha, I just sent an e-mail out to the staff about this last night!

No it's coming along. I've seen the preview and it looks great!!!! We're moving to mySQL so we've activated this at the server end, now Erik needs to upload it to the server and we can start moving content over.

The ball is in Erik's court, so to speak, heh.
One Inch Man said:
FWIW, here's my idea for a new frontpage. The layout is much simpler, and wouldn't necessitate frames.


Anywho, I don't know any code/formatting beyond html but am a fast learner and willing to help migrate old stuff to a new site. Basically I'm volunteering to be the bitch on this one, just let me know.

That's a little too sophisticated for my tastes. Try dumbing it down a bit.
I just want to say that this was a great, great thread to read guys, even though about 96.7% of it was over my head

Really awesome that RC is moving on to bigger & better things.
I kind of wish I had never left.
"The blue states are Jew states"

hahahhahahaha I just noticed this. I'd say the opposite since Jesus = Jew.
