For MALE nevermore fans only...


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
...So metalized... You really HAVEN'T ever heard Lacuna-Coil or seen the singer??

Jesus (me :D ).

go out and download 'To myself i turned'

great female-singer.
Originally posted by Trapped
...So metalized... You really HAVEN'T ever heard Lacuna-Coil or seen the singer??

Jesus (me :D ).

go out and download 'To myself i turned'

great female-singer.

:)err: I'm not a man.... but have to admit that the lady looks good and sings good... live...:p :D )
DISCLAIMER: I, (T. R. Apped) do not claim responsibility for any offense taken to any post in this thread.

The characters and events in this thread are purely fictional, and any similarities to the lives of the readers is purely coincidental.

All complaints should be forwarded to Metalized... :D really amazing! She is a very nice person, a pretty woman and sings like a goddess! (And I am obsessed with men, sorry.... :D )
she is great.

Lacuna Coil aren't too great 'musically', but they have a great vocalist, and some great songs.
i have this re-occuring dream about me and the girl from luna coil and the chick from the gathering and 2 hundred pounds of vanilla pudding. ill let you figure out the ending
Originally posted by voice of treason
i have this re-occuring dream about me and the girl from luna coil and the chick from the gathering and 2 hundred pounds of vanilla pudding. ill let you figure out the ending

oh yea! you are some nasty bug that is already drowning in the pudding while the girls are appearing. you notice that they are argueing. everyone claims to be the best looking female metalsinger. it takes some minutes till the gahtering's singer drowns the singer of lacuna coil in the pudding.

the end!

btw: lacuna coil are lamos!
hey, i think lacuna coil is good. (btw, i'm female, so i might not have as much leverage in the opinion department, but that's what i think.)
another really good band that has some cool female vocals (although not lead) is "the sins of thy beloved". they kick ASS. they're from sweeden... i think... don't quote me on that, cuz it might be from norway. somwhere EAST of us. that's all i know. :err: anyway. the lead vocals are kinda growly, but the female vocals are really light and clear and etherial, so you guys might like that.