For Ms. Lioness


My give-a-damn is busted
Dec 28, 2001
Emerald City
Visit site
I forgot until now. Here are the pix of my pussy:



He chases dogs, possums and children but won't touch a squirrel or a bird if it was sitting in front of him. I think he wants to eat my head.
Thanks Tee, you can appreciate too as I've admired your cat sigs. They were much more atractive than your Nudist Priest one. ;)

Thanks to Ninja and CT too. He's hansome, but I can't see him as cute as he's a big bruiser! I let a friend and her daughter house sit for me one weekend when I went camping. The child left me this drawing of my cat and my friend left this 4 page screed: page 1, page 2, page 3, and page 4. They make me come to their house to visit them now.
Lillitu said:
Thanks Tee, you can appreciate too as I've admired your cat sigs. They were much more atractive than your Nudist Priest one. ;)

Thanks to Ninja and CT too. He's hansome, but I can't see him as cute as he's a big bruiser! I let a friend and her daughter house sit for me one weekend when I went camping. The child left me this drawing of my cat and my friend left this 4 page screed: page 1, page 2, page 3, and page 4. They make me come to their house to visit them now.

hahahahahahahah :tickled: :lol:
thats awesome
That pussy looks pissed off in the second pic, he must mean business.
fugazi. said:
Seriously, have you ever seen a happy cat? Cause I haven't.

That's because you're not petting a pussy, if you pet a pussy it will be happy and play with you back.
Heh. Thanks all. He's not a bobcat Mah, otherwise he'd chase the squirrels and birds around my deck. He only chases possums, dogs, children and the occasional drunk at my house. Heh, as for happy? He's as happy as he wants to be. He just periodically gives me that look. I'm fairly certain he's planning my demise at that time.