Quoth the raven, Nevermore!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I've been doing bird rehab all spring/summer and I haven't recieved any calls about corvids, till yesterday! My boss texted me about a sick crow, so I went to the house where it was spotted. I turned the corner of the fence there and came face to face with one of the largest adult ravens I've ever seen in ukiah. His wing had a severe break in the wrist. I cornered/caught him with the aid of a towel, but he managed to get his head out and bit my nose. I have a huge scratch now, but it's all good. He also managed to latch onto my hand, but I didn't care. Got him home, had Andrew put on falconing gloves/ cover his head with a towel and bandaged the wing. This bird is so intelligent, you can see it in his eyes. Looking at him head on is terrifying.

Will post pictures soon, I want to stress him as little as possible. We may have to euthanize him because the break is severe, but we'll see.

I've been doing bird rehab all spring/summer and I haven't recieved any calls about corvids, till yesterday! My boss texted me about a sick crow, so I went to the house where it was spotted. I turned the corner of the fence there and came face to face with one of the largest adult ravens I've ever seen in ukiah. His wing had a severe break in the wrist. I cornered/caught him with the aid of a towel, but he managed to get his head out and bit my nose. I have a huge scratch now, but it's all good. He also managed to latch onto my hand, but I didn't care. Got him home, had Andrew put on falconing gloves/ cover his head with a towel and bandaged the wing. This bird is so intelligent, you can see it in his eyes. Looking at him head on is terrifying.

Will post pictures soon, I want to stress him as little as possible. We may have to euthanize him because the break is severe, but we'll see.


My wife had a pet crow when she was a kid, and it died last month. They found it when she was like 5 years old and the bird had fallen out of her nest and injured herself. They nursed it back to health and kept it. 25 years later it died, and that's pretty soon for crows. They're known to live 90 years.

Probably one of the smartest birds I've ever seen. It actually learned commands.
They nursed it back to health and kept it. 25 years later it died, and that's pretty soon for crows. They're known to live 90 years.

Probably one of the smartest birds I've ever seen. It actually learned commands.

Actually, that is a myth. Crows usually have a lifespan of 10-30 years or so. And yes, they are very smart!
Meet Hitler(a carrion crow) and Stanica(jackdaw, on the left):

Awww, are those your babies??

Btw, 25 years is a ripe old age for a crow. Your wife did a good job, my dear :)

sadly, we have to euthanize this amazing bird. I'm going to discuss the possibility of relocating him to the Eureka zoo, since they have a raven enclosure. He'll never fly well in the wild, not after this break :/

what do you guys think.... Euthanasia or zoo?
:D The girl in the picture is a friend biologist who specialized in ethology, which means she knows more about them than I ever will.
I'd go for the zoo option...then again if it's a wild animal, don't know how it'd get along with the ones bred/raised in captivity(if there are any).
If we're to take imprinting into consideration, corvids raised by humans will see the ones they've been around as 'crows', and disregard their own species.
As long as it's put in with other ravens, it should be ok. If they put it with a crow or any other bird, I guess it will probably kill it. There isn't a chance of imprinting because the fella is full grown. If it was young with this type of injury, I would keep him. Adult ravens are one of the most dificult animals to tame, he will always be afraid of me. I just want him to be happy. :)

with the field I'm in now, there will always be others. I'm licensed, so I can technically rehab anything. I just want to keep their best interests in mind. Currently trying to find good homes/aviaries for my pigeon & dove. The 2 woodpeckers I have are the last of the babies, and they spent all day climbing and exploring :)
That's pretty cool! Gluck with taking care of the birdies..and maybe the lil guy with the broken wing will provide inspiration for some more amazing art? :D
Lesa, what do you mean you do bird rehab? That sounds hella interesting!

Good thing you saved this little guy, and I am so sorry to hear he might not make it :(

I have a good friend in Israel that has a 'zoo' at home for only rescue/crippled/unwanted pets, (10 dogs, 18 cats, and about every small animal known to men)
but she also have 2 pet crows! They are really cool. The ones we have in Israel are a bit smaller than the ones here, but they are the coolest!
When I go there in September I'll have to take pictures :)
My wife had a pet crow when she was a kid, and it died last month. They found it when she was like 5 years old and the bird had fallen out of her nest and injured herself. They nursed it back to health and kept it. 25 years later it died, and that's pretty soon for crows. They're known to live 90 years.

Probably one of the smartest birds I've ever seen. It actually learned commands.

First, sorry about your wife's bird :(

Yes, they live REALLY long and they are amazingly smart, with excellent memory. My old dog Pier, ate a crow's egg by accident after the egg fell off the tree and he found it on the bottom of it (probably a day or two after it fell down) and the mom crow guarded the egg constantly, and when she saw Pier ate it, (of course I caught him half way through the act and made him stop... gross) she would follow us home and try to attack Pier for MONTHS after the incident. Every time we went out for a walk -there is the crow hovering above us. It got so rediculous, that I had to literally scare it with a large stick while we walked outside, becasue the crow would fly low and kept trying to get to my dog!
It was NUTS! and mind you.... Pier was a Ridgeback! Over 110 pounds of muscles, but that bird didn't care... (and also... poor Pier... he was terrifiedc :lol: )

after a few months of hell, I never saw her again. poor momma bird :(