For our american friends

remington69 said:
You mean "math" which is short for "mathematics" in which there is no "s" after the "math" part. We didn't drop any "s". We just shortened the whole dang word.

You mean maths?
What i find funny is that they dont teach about the American Revolution in See i have some friends in the UK and they don't talk about it in school.....

remington69 said:
You mean "math" which is short for "mathematics" in which there is no "s" after the "math" part. We didn't drop any "s". We just shortened the whole dang word.
Yes we did. The Brits and Australians say "maths". Haven't you at least read Harry Potter?
Hey davros666 in the name of America I official change your screen name to davro666 and salute you with a mug of our finest ale, keystone light (it's like a keg in a can) :kickass:
thraxx said:
What i find funny is that they dont teach about the American Revolution in See i have some friends in the UK and they don't talk about it in school.....


You never teach that any one other than your selves served in WWII! Thanks for turning up late again.

Whats the only thing the Yanks charged in WWI? The interest on the money they lent us. Late for that one too!

Couldn't even beat a load of pointy heads in the jungle! You never teach about that one do you!

You never teach about the war of 1812 where we kicked your bottoms!


Big hugs across the sea!