FOR SALE: SymX related!


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
Ok guys, I'm fuckin' broke and need money for stuff, so unfortunately I have to part with some mementos. Oh well, such is life, other things are more important. I chose to sell these items here because I want them to go to a fan, not some hack on eBay who will turn around and re-sell them for way more. I understand this isn't really the norm for these here parts, but again I want one of you die hards to get this stuff as neither item are easy to come across (though the cd isn't too difficult).

Both of these items for sale were signed IN PERSON on the first American leg of the tour in support of The Odyssey with Blind Guardian in Seattle at the Graceland (now called El Corazon... i believe the show was December 12, 2002 but I could be horribly wrong) but unfortunately I do not have any authentication other than my word. Sorry, I assure you they are real, but cannot provide any other proof. Also, I have no price in mind for either item, so please PM me with any offer. Like me or not, I'm not going to block anyone from making offers and ALL offers will be considered. Naturally, best offer will get the item. And they are being sold separately of course, and please don't send an offer if you do not intend to keep it. I'll keep this open for about a week, bumping it at least once daily, and am pretty open for forms of payment (as long as i get the money). We can discuss this later, however.

First of all, we have one of Jason Rullo's very own drumsticks signed by the man himself. This drumstick was caught by me from the front row and signed directly after the show.



Pic 1 - Close up of Jason's signature (complete with X haha)


Pic 2 - length of the stick with jason's sig.


Pic 3 - Vic Firth stick (you can read the rest)

Second, we have the Japanese release of Twilight in Olympus. I believe this was a limited edition deal with bonus materials, but I honestly don't know a lot about it. Just that I bought it a number of years ago. It came housed in a slipcase which was signed by Lepond (yeah, he didn't play on the album but whatever. in fact, he'd never seen that particular version of the disc until i showed him), Pinella (signature smudged... it was raining out when i got these signed) and Russ (twice... the first time the pen wasn't working due to rain so he started over. You can see it in the picture). More details following pictures.


Slipcase with signatures. It's in very good condition, but not perfect. Probably very slight wear around the corners due to age.


Comes with 5 postcards of each Symphony X release up to that point as well as MJR's solo project, The Dark Chapter (comes in a sleeve for safe keeping)


Small Symphony X logo sticker. Super cool shit.


Booklet as well as Japanese Lyric book. Both in great shape.


Everything that this comes with. Great deal.

Also, I have a copy of Prelude to the Millennium that I'm more than willing to part with. I am pretty sure it's in used condition... still plays fine but may have a bit of normal wear and tear. I can check specifics for anyone who's interested. More information about tracklisting and such can be found by Clicking Here.

I am more than happy to answer any questions anyone has about any of the items discussed in this post, feel free to post them here. Also, re-read the instructions up top. That's how I'm doing this. Thanks for your time guys, and good luck! :headbang:
jeez man, i could never sell something as special as those. there's gotta be a better way to raise some money.
jeez man, i could never sell something as special as those. there's gotta be a better way to raise some money.

It's pretty desparate times and it wasn't an easy choice, but like I said, it is special stuff and I really want it to go to someone else who'll treasure it.

the stick looks like it was snapped and then glued back together..

Here's the best I can do to show you what i've got. I can do more pictures of any of the items if people would like them. Hopefully these will suffice to show that the drumstick has never been broken, but if these ones aren't good enough, there's not much else I can do. I'm a regular here, I'm not trying to rip anyone off (nor am I... I'm letting you name the price after all ;) )




Also, a few things for clarification.

1) The Twilight in Olympus package is one thing i'm selling all together since it came as one package and I don't want to split any of it up. Just in case i wasn't clear... i DID make the post at like 3:30 am here or something. :lol:

2) I will ship anywhere in the world, but please keep in mind that I'll need you to be responsible for shipping cost (unless you offer a really sweet price, then I'm willing to eat some of that cost).

Ok, I guess that's it. Got one offer already, so again, we'll see in about a week. Thanks guys!
Actually, as i was explaining to someone else, I have things in my collection (Symx related) that are much more meaningful to me personally. these ones i can stand to part with. I am keeping some more very personal items though, so no worries hehe.
it's kinda weird seeing Zach post pics of stuff that he's selling as opposed to just got in the mail.
Anybody else notice that the Twilight in Olympus disc looks like a Super Smash Bros logo?
Ok guys, Drumstick is sold (frozen_core got a fucking great deal on it too IMO... you should all be kicking yourselves :p ). The cd is still available, so anyone who has any interest, please let me know. And I don't know if the name your own price thing is throwing people so here's what i'll do:

For the Twilight in Olympus cd i will ask $40 USD + $5 to cover shipping expenses OR BEST OFFER. This isn't an item that comes up very often, and everything (postcards, sticker, album and inserts) are in great condition with minor wear around the edge of the slipcase. I'll leave this item available through the weekend.

And remember, the Prelude to the Millenium disc is still available :)