for sheer nostalgia


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
playstation 2 has released an anthology of over like 45 Atari 2600 games on one disc for like $20 or so. The best part is that there is an 80's style atari game rack in the menu to choose the games from and it has a soundtrack of 80's music that plays underneath the games as you play.

nintendo should do the same thing with their own games for gamecube. i think that would be awesome and give me more incentive to get one although i really want one anyway.

also toby, my old roomate dave works at best buy during the winter months and got to play metroid prime and said it fucking rules. and he said the ninetendo people let them have a 10 minute demo of the new zelda and again he gave it a glowing review for 10 minutes worth of gaming.
i still have a fully functional atari with like, pitfall, combat, donkey kong, ahh like 40 other games. i play that shit whenever i go to my mom's house. the best games are demons to diamonds and haunted house (because when you get bit by a ghost it sounds like the world is exploding)

I go back to the old Atardi every now and then. The first five minutes are fucking awesome, but the sixth minute begins with me realising that Atari games kind of objectively suck and they were only really awesome at the time because we thought they were all future-tech and shit. I dare anyone to put in Berzerk and play all night.