for the fallen dreamsish band I'm doing

Yo man, yea, you'll need some dynamics on the mix but it sounds really tight on my setup.

What did you end up using for the guitars? Not familiar with x30?

This makes me wanna get slate drums also. I have superior drummer right now and my tones are close to this but not quite the sound I want yet.

Sounds good to me man
Dude this sounds fucking sick. Low ends sound goods to me.

What impulse is on the guitars?
Bring the kick up a bit
The bass could come up a little bit aswell.
Other than that it sounds sick man.
Can't say I dig it yet.. but with a few modifications I think this could be killer..

Guitars sound good (perhaps some more lows?). The lowend is alright, but more on the kicks and its kinda ... narrow? Like its just the kick and the bass. I also fucking DESPISE AD's cymbals. Distracting, pumping, just all kinds of ew. I'd honestly go with Slate's cymbals and try muck around with them, I've gotten decent results. Not fantastic.. but for that you need MF imo.

Also the snare is a bit weird sometimes. Maybe its distorting? Just sounds like the attack is 'stretched' at times. Actually now listening it sounds like the snare and kick's aren't aligning at times. I guess it makes it more 'realistic' but I'd align them to avoid the issue I mentioned. Oh and the toms (AD, yes?) are a bit loose, but if you want to keep that give them some more lows definitely, maybe a touch more mids.
great kick imo!
the snare is a bit weird sometimes, like morgan said...
but the overall mix really works good!
...the vocals kind of fuck the song up for me^^
fucking subdrops :p
I personally liked the previous snare better, it was more hard hitting. Could use a tad less reverb though. They both sound good and work in the mix though.