For the most part John is right. Its shit.

Iced In Flames

Jan 26, 2002
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The only songs I like are Montsegur, The Age of Innoscence and Face In The Sand. Rainmaker is alright.
Dance of Death the song is fucking laughable. The music sucks and the vocals dont fit AT ALL.

Why do they have three guitars if they have parts that one guitarist can cover?
What do you think about Paschendale? It doesn't impress me or anything but it was one of the songs I thought was passable.

Very true about the three guitarists. All in all its a total joke.
Since the beggining i knew the three guitars would go wrong. I'm used to hear one guitarist in the left and one on the right with the drums, vocals and bass. With BNW and especially DoD the sound is muddie, Bruce vocals can't be understood sometimes DoD suffers also from that horrible overusage violin melodie from the orchestra. WHY the 3 guitars if they can't use them??
Pachendale is ok. I dont like the bass under the vocals tho. There are parts in the song that could make it VERY cool if they kept it going. But its a bit all over the place.

If they just had Adrian doing most of the rythem parts with his Les Paul, which makes Montsegur so fucking heavy, and jsut Dave and Jan doing melodies it would have sounded better for the most part.
I thought that in some moments that the 3rd guitar was used better than in BNW but not enough to warrant the need for a 3rd guitar, especially with the use of the violins and keyboards. Like Mark said they should have dumped those in favor of the 3rd guitar. As far as the album is concerned, I just havent really gotten that excited over it. Its not that its all the bad but I havent really gotten so excited over it. I am also getting annoyed with the slow intros and slow outros in songs, I realize that has been what Maiden has been doing since Fear of the Dark but at some moment you would think that Harris will change his style a bit. At this moment I am thinking that BNW is a better album. Here is how I categorize the songs.

Great songs:


Good songs:

Dance of Death
New Frontier

OK songs:

Face in the Sand
Age of Innocence

Bad songs:

Wildest Dreams
No More Lies
Gates of Tomorrow
The only song I've heard besides Wildest Dreams is Dance Of Death. Didn't like it very much the first time but I thought it might grow on me after a few listens.. it really didn't :err:
Mark said:
I think they should dump the keyboards and use the 3rd guitar to cover those extra melody parts.
yes. While there are some ok keys on it (Paschendale) Most are utter wank, especially Rainmaker. I just wish bands who know nothing about Keyboards would stop trying to use them and making themselves sound shit.
Iced In Flames said:
The only songs I like are Montsegur, The Age of Innoscence and Face In The Sand. Rainmaker is alright.
Dance of Death the song is fucking laughable. The music sucks and the vocals dont fit AT ALL.

Why do they have three guitars if they have parts that one guitarist can cover?
I agree with your last sentence and the same could be said for BNW. What I don't agree with is the rest of your post. DOD is certainly better than the Blaze -Maiden stuff and better than FOTD and NPFTD.
To be honest I really dont see why you guys hang around at a Maiden board, I yet have to hear you say something good about them...
No matter what they do, you complain that it suck...
Well, the Number of the Beast era is over, and Dance of Death is what Maiden sounds like in 2003, get over it!
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I quite enjoy DOD. Of course, I've haven't expected 'classic Maiden' since the shite also known as "Fear of the Dark" was released. That album was the unofficial death knell for 'classic' maiden. NPFTD was a precursos, of course.

And when you DONT expect to hear Powerslave Part II, the songs stand alone quite well. THere are some great moments on this record. Sadly, however, there is a silly moment or two (the garbage Bruce yell-wrap employed during the title track; the SHIT production).

Very good record....just not 'godly', IMO.
Merciless. I dont think it stands up to FotD honestly. there are some good songs but I dont think it holds up. Honestly I dont think ANYTHING is worse than No Prayer.

Agressor. You are a dumbass n00b who dont know shit about nothin. Take your gay ass back over to the Maiden Talk forum where you can suck the balls of all the guys just like everyone else who is too brainwashed into giving an honest opinion on an album which could have been much better. Thank you.
Iced In Flames said:
Merciless. I dont think it stands up to FotD honestly. there are some good songs but I dont think it holds up. Honestly I dont think ANYTHING is worse than No Prayer.
I think FOTD is their worst cd, except for a few songs of course. As for DOD, I think it's a good cd and offers a little of what Maiden has been about. There are songs from DOD that could be on Powerslave, Seventh Son, POM, and even stuff from the Blaze era. I guess Maiden fans will always be divided on what era of Maiden they like best.
Iced In Flames said:
And most will say old era
Yes but what constitutes the old era? I say anything up to and including SIT and maybe Seventh Son. From those cd's and back you could look on any Maiden cd and say that almost every song was a good one. That started to change around Seventh Son and definitely changed from NPFTD. Now it seems like for every cd that they put out, since NPFTD that there is maybe 1-3 good songs per cd, except for BNW which had several. It just seems like there are more filler songs since SIT than before that period.