Wildest Dreams-2/5 very autopilot pop-rocker with a good solo and builup in the middle.
Rainmaker-4/5 easily the best song on here, the intro lick is awesome and the vocals really make this song work.
No More Lies-2.5/5 ho-hum, Steve , haven't we heard this song before? I will however say that the verses are a GREAT buildup (especially the live version) but the chorus is a huge letdown, a big anticlimax.
Montsegur-.2/5 utter shit
Dance of Death-.1/5 one of Maiden's worst songs, Bruce sounds like he's dying and the lyrics are ridiculously amateurish.
Gates of Tomorrow-4/5 GREAT Skunkworks-esque vocal layering, though Janick's solo sucks it's a cool rocker.
New Frontier-3/5 just average, but the solo section is cool.
Paschendale-3.5/5 it's a decent epic but it sounds TOO much like Heaven Can Wait at some points (especially in the chorus) but some of the heavy breakdowns sound pretty inspired.
Face in the Sand-4/5 a different kind of Maiden songs. The buildup double bass, orchestral washes and ominous chorus are really spectacular, as is H's solo.
Age of Innocence-4/5 heavy song, stupid lyrics, fantastic chorus.
Journeyman-4/5 The live version is pretty cool. I like the lyrics a lot, but it could be trimmed a bit.
Wildest Dreams: 6/10 - Nothing special.
Rainmaker: 9/10 - Great track.
No More Lies: 8/10
Montsegur: 5/10 - Sort of annoying. Weak chorus vocals.
Dance Of Death: 1/10 - Pathetic. Worst vocals ever. Hilarious lyrics.
Gates Of Tomorrow: 8/10 - I really like this one.
New Frontier: 7/10 - Not bad.
Paschendale: 5/10 - Can't get into it.
Face In The Sand: 8/10 - Nice.
Age Of Innocence: 8/10 - Decent.
Journeyman: 5/10 - Pretty boring. Yeah it's something different, but so?
Wildest Dreams - 7/10
Rainmaker - 3/10
No More Lies - 5/10
Montsegur - 6/10
Dance of Death - 3/10
Gates of Tomorrow - 4/10
New Frontier - 6/10
Paschendale - 8/10
Face In The Sand - 5/10
Age of Innocence - 3/10
Journeyman - 5/10
Wildest Dreams - 6/10
Rainmaker - 7/10
No More Lies - 5/10
Montsegur 7/10
Dance Of Death - 7/10
Gates Of Tomorrow - 4/10
New Frontier - 5/10
Paschendale - 8/10
Face In The Sand - 6/10
Age Of Innocence - 8/10
Journeyman - 7/10
Wildest Dreams 6/10

Rainmaker 6.5/10 I think Brian Adams helped write these first two songs

No More Lies 7.5/10 kinda repetitive as stated a million times already

Monstegur 9/10 like it even if it's kind of a laugher
Dance of Death 8/10 I never knew aHeavy Metal Riverdance could sound so good

Gates of Tomorrow 10/10 may not work live but I can't help going directly to this song half the times I put on the album

New frontier 6/10 and growing on me more and more

Paschendale 9/10 great , they took a bunch of simple parts and created something great with them

Face in The Sand 6/10 Bruce kinda grates on my nerves on this one

Age of Innocence 5/10 the only song on the album I can definately say i don't like

Journeyman 6/10 good until the "I know what I want" part.I Never liked dust in the Wind.
Wildest Dreams 5/10
Rainmaker 8/10
No More Lies 5/10
Montsegur 6/10
Dance of Death 7/10
Gates of Tomorrow 8/10
New Frontier 7/10
Paschendale 9/10
Face in the Sand 7/10
Age of Innocence 8/10
Journeyman 8/10
Wildest Dreams - 6/10
Rainmaker - 7/10
No More Lies - 8/10
Montsegur 9/10
Dance Of Death - 10/10
Gates Of Tomorrow - 6/10
New Frontier - 6/10
Paschendale - 10/10
Face In The Sand - 6/10
Age Of Innocence - 8/10
Journeyman - 8/10

Overall: 8.5/10 I loved it, as much as BNW, which is saying a lot, even though it has its share of mediocre tracks [none are bad but there's a few that don't grab your attention without the chorus. But then it has it's masterpieces like DoD and Paschandale and excellent tracks like Montsegur and Journeyman and No More Lies.
Wildest Dreams - 7,5/10
Rainmaker - 8,5/10
No More Lies - 9,5/10
Montsegur - 7,5/10
Dance of Death - 9/10
Gates of Tomorrow - 5/10
New Frontier - 7/10
Paschendale - 10/10
Face in the Sand - 9/10
Age of Innocence - 8/10
Journeyman - 9/10
Some of you people have really weird tastes. Half of you utterly hate the title track....and I just can't conceive that at all. Everything about it is amazing to me. The lyrics are visionary, the vocals are some of Bruce's most expressive and intricate ever and the riffing is unforgettable. Well, anyway.

Wildest Dreams (8)- Good, good, good song. Love the optimistic, energetic drive to it. Fine solos and subtle but effective lead guitar touches on the choruses.

Rainmaker (4)- Decent song, inspiring opening riffs, but the chorus is extremely weak. The fact that the entirety of the expressive vocal hook lies on the unexpressive and useless words 'that' and 'we' is a conceptual flaw that ends-up sounding stupid and unforgivable.

No More Lies (7)- Good main riffing, and an interesting idea for the chorus with the vocal/drum syncopation. Bruce's vocals are also particularly noteworthy towards the end of the track, but as said before by someone, it just doesn't sound entirely right. Could be the muddy production that saps strength from the instruments in thechorus, which should be direct and punchy to suit the structure.

Montsegur (8)- Yeah, the chorus is excessively happy, but it also works and flows well. The song is held-up by solid riffing, and the whole thing supported by compactness. The paradox between the happy sound of the track and the serious, historical and somewhat morbid lyrics is interesting, but not damaging.

Dance of Death (10)- Wow. I love this song. Structurally, it's solid and doesn't meander...it returns appropriately to the very strong and expressive main riff at effective times. Added on top of that some of Bruce's most detailed vocals in years and visually stimulating lyrics by Steve, and it's a classic Maiden epic.

Gates of Tomorrow (4)- Sometimes it interests me slightly, sometimes it plays and I don't even notice. Unspectacular chorus lets down otherwise fairly solid if unremarkable riffing.

New Frontier (5)- A little more interesting than Gates of Tomorrow, but still among the filler material of the album. Again, I think the production is burying a lot of the potential of these tracks, especially where the lead guitars are concerned.

Paschendale (10)- This took a long time to grow on me, and it's not among my favourite of Maiden long players, but I definately think it is deserved of a place amongst their greatest epics. It is dynamic and musically exactly reflective of the topical nature of the song. Everything from the riffing to the atmospherics is well composed and strung together into a great counterpart to Steve's emotive lyrics. A calm but powerful vocal chorus is thankfully sparingly used, structurally relieving that writing rut that can steer any material no matter how good into entirely predictable territory. Overall, a classic Maiden song.

Face in the Sand (6)- One of the best openings on the album....scratch that, the best opening to a song on Dance of Death. The new double bass use is an effective interplay with the slow and grandiose build-up common with modern day Maiden. Unfortunately, that double bass is overused. The unchanging pace becomes extremely tiresome as it drags on throughout the track, trampling over any dynamics the music underneath attemps. One of the poorest chorus melodies on the album doesn't help break the monotony either, but for its experimentation and awesome opening, it's overall a decent track.

Age of Innocence (7)- The other really 'happy' one....and it works too! It doesn't approach the epics of the album for memorable riffing, and because of the catchy chorus it's more fit for grouping with the rockers and filler tracks, but it is nonetheless among the stronger of either.

Journeyman (8)- An interesting experiment, and one that I think pays off. The previous two tracks don't really provide a good set-up for Journeyman to close the album with; the dropping energy from Paschendale to the drawn-out Face in the Sand, through to the neutrality of the standard rocker Age of Innoence doesn't leave much for the melancholy of Journeyman to wrap-up, but on it's own, it's successful. The acoustics are refreshing in their entirety and the track breathes real life as Bruce layers his epic vocals over the top of it. Some say it drags, and although it is chorus-based and structurally doesn't require such length to verify itself, the orchestral and sensitive nature of it is suited to the contemplative space some extra minutes can provide.

Overall then, 7/10.

A good Maiden album. I don't know if it'll be a classic, probably not, but it definately has classic material on it....and although I think I personally prefer Brave New World slightly, I think Dance of Death is the better album. Conceptually, it's a far more cohesive and depthful peice of work.
Worthless album.

Song 1: Shit
Song 2: Crap
Song 3: Crud
Song 4: Turd
Song 5: Garbage
Song 6: Junk
Song 7: Piss
Song 8: Yawn
Song 9: loser
Song 10: ,u,
Song 11: fuckhead
Alex999 said:
"I danced and I pranced"????

They're mindless.
you bet ..... and this mighty phrase

"My spirit was laughing and howling down at me ..."

Unless the guy is schizophrenic, it doesn't mean a thing ... pathetic lyrics ...

i've never read something so stupid ... Harris would be forbidden to write lyrics ... and songs alone

Wildest Dreams - 6/10
Rainmaker - 6/10 - Judas be my guide part 2
No More Lies - 6/10 - Don't look to the eyes of the educated clansman
Montsegur - 5/10 - BeerFest here we come ... " medieval" has become an excuse for shitty riffs ... Quest for the fallen angel
Dance of Death - 2/10 - 2 points for their background catalog
Gates of Tomorrow - -100/10 - worst track ever - Angus Young on Crack plays Lord of the flies ... i felt like crying when i heard this
New Frontier - 2/10 - this sorry ass should stick to drumming
Paschendale - 8/10 - best track - good
Face in the Sand - 8/10 - Classical but good
Age of Innocence - 8/10 - brillant !!!!!!! I fucking love this !!!
Journeyman - 6.5/10 - good but it gets boring after months
SculptedCold said:
oh yeah, that's really conclusive; paraphrase an entire song's lyrics with a five word long line. :rolleyes:
That was only the most obvious example of their lameness. I could give others if I wished to read through them again, which I don't particularly.
Completely horrid piece of shit album. Dod is hands down Maiden's worst song ever.

Let me tell you a story to tickle the funny bone..

would have been a more appropriate first line.
Electric Eye said:
Worthless album.

Song 1: Shit
Song 2: Crap
Song 3: Crud
Song 4: Turd
Song 5: Garbage
Song 6: Junk
Song 7: Piss
Song 8: Yawn
Song 9: loser
Song 10: ,u,
Song 11: fuckhead
That's true, but even then its better than a lot of Judas Priest albums.