For the 'tallica fans

SilentRealm said:
i just thought of something lol.. if there was a category called "Regressive Metal"..Metallica would headline..

That's great.. You just came up with a new genre !!!!!!!!!
What bands would be on the bill for a Regressive Metal Fest ???
I HATE the new Metallica sound! Great thread though! LOL! :ill:

Lars when he`s playing his raw 4/4: :loco:
(This is hard)
The new bassist. ( Don`t know his name): :Smokedev:

Kirk Hammet, who is not playing one solo on the new album!: :erk:

And then the vocalist (Don`t know his name either): :yell:
Here's what really blows my mind folks, straight out of the liner notes.
"Conceived, Recorded & Mixed at HQ, San Rafael, California, May 2002 - April 2003"

That's almost a whole year. How in god's name could anyone spend that long on something and be happy with it being so shitty?
I always thought it was funny how people kept on hoping the new Metallica would go back to the roots, back to the TRUE METAL. How could they do that after doing i double album (Load+ReLoad) of half-hearted crap? It's rare that a band becomes better after ten years of shit and for a band like Metallica it's impossible.

Well, now we have the proof. The music :erk: speaks for itself. The soundwaves must be embarassed of existing and the songs wish they could go hide in some basement-of-forgotten-songs-no-one-listens-to because-they-suck-so-hard. I feel sorry for the world and anyone who might conscider this a good album.
My friend, who's a die-hard Metallica fan kept on ranting and raving about St. Anger (the single). I listened to it, and all I can say is: Linkin Park. Even though I wasn't expecting much, I was still very disappointed. Henceforth they shall be known as Nu-Metallica. And so has spoken King W.

Seriously though, Metallica has always been the ultimate trend band. When good metal was more popular, they were playing that. During the late 90's they were playing Godsmack-style stuff, and now at the dawn of the 21st century they're playing nu metal. They don't have a style of their own at all. They're completely in it for the money. They have the potential, but they're so greedy and selfish they'd rather compramise the music and bloat their bank accounts rather than be good artists. Doesn't bother me none, I just ignore them :) Kind of hard when one of your best friends won't stop talking about them though.

I was really shocked when he was clamoring over St. Anger, and dissed Masquerade '98 by Symphony X. He even went as far to claim that Metallica has better instrumentals than Symphony X. Since that point I've pretty much ignored anything he's had to say in regards to music :)

But yeah, don't be fooled. Metallica were never true artists. It was always about the money. And if you need proof, just look at how incredibly mallable they are. They don't have any soul or style. Too bad their fanbase consists of fanboy drones who would follow them through the gates of hell. I don't know where to end this rant, so I'm just going to entertain you all with a picture of Dancing Jesus:

Is this thread called "for the 'tallica fans"? I thought this was SX's forum. We don't want any "'tallica" here. At least I don't. They suck.

But 'tallica bashing is always welcome.
Linkin park?Linkin park?Linkin park? What were you thinking when you said "Linkin Park" Oh dear. How can you possibly compare them to the new metallica album? Are you all 12 years old? The new metallica album is good, not their best by a long way but good.
>>The new metallica album is good<<

Good for giving an example of how not to write or play music, definitely. It's not even done well. It's unbelievable that I can even bring myself to say this, but even Linkin Park does their crappy, meaningless "music" better than Moronica did those abominations of sound in "St. Wanker."
As I've said before, it's a crappy album even by Moronica's always low standards. They couldn't even get it up to mediocre this time.
But then, I know that there are a lot of people who have some kind of emotional attachment to Moronica, and just can't find it in themselves to admit that "St. Wanker" is hilariously bad.
Macy said:
Is this thread called "for the 'tallica fans"? I thought this was SX's forum. We don't want any "'tallica" here. At least I don't. They suck.

But 'tallica bashing is always welcome.

LOL nope no one wants Hyoukinmono's appropriately named Moronica (thats classic) here.. but this thread is funny.
Seriously though, Metallica has always been the ultimate trend band. When good metal was more popular, they were playing that. During the late 90's they were playing Godsmack-style stuff, and now at the dawn of the 21st century they're playing nu metal.
Pardon me, but Metallica were one of the bands responsible for the thrash movement on the 80's. Seriously though, where the hell do you hear the godsmack esque sound on the load era? Also, I bet i'm deaf because I certainly don't hear the nu-metal influence either (maybe a bit on the lyrics). Anyway, with so many good bands coming out right now it's funny that people are still waiting for Metallica to put an ass kicking metal album. Oh and btw, just a thought: Metallica are millionaires, they don't need more money. The ''they are in it for the money and they are making nu-metal to make more money'' theory is very flawed if you ask me, they could retire right now and save themselves from all the bashing and live a peaceful life with all the money they've got.

just my 2 cents.
My biggest gripe with Metallica is in the 90's after the black album, they started sounding like everyone else in what I like to call Lazy Rock with the Load\Reload crap, the song writing just went to the dumpster from the guys who gave us Master of Puppets and "Justice for All". Now with St. Anguish they have just become "One of the Millions" instead of "One in a million", thank gawd for Mike Romeo, all thoses euroean metal bands, and Sex Machineguns (japanese band)
I bought the album today and I'm very disappointed. There's no melody, solos, diverse songs or any really good songwriting. It has it's moments but the production is so weak.
You actually bought the thing? Heh, with all the reviews on the net and the few samples I've heard, there's no way my buckaroos will get anywhere near that damn CD.

With St.Anger, it is as if I'm expecting lars and james to pop out and yell "Happy April fools day", becase seriously, that album is a joke.