For the 'tallica fans

Pardon me, but Metallica were one of the bands responsible for the thrash movement on the 80's.

I'd credit Slayer or Anthrax to the 80's thrash movement much more than Metallica (btw, I'm not a fan of either). They came later, in the midst of the thrash movement, which proves my point about them being trendy.

Seriously though, where the hell do you hear the godsmack esque sound on the load era? Also, I bet i'm deaf because I certainly don't hear the nu-metal influence either (maybe a bit on the lyrics).

This probably doesn't count as a part of the Load era, but the track I Disappear on the Mission Impossible soundtrack did have a Godsmack-esque sound to it. And the nu-metal influence I'm talking about in St. Anger comes from the repeditive, heavily distorted riffs and power chords, the rapcore style vocals, the angsty tone, and the interlude to the mindless shouting with talentless whining as popularized by Linkin Park.

Anyway, with so many good bands coming out right now it's funny that people are still waiting for Metallica to put an ass kicking metal album.

Who said I'm waiting for anything? Unlike many, I don't sit around and hope that some pop band will come out with something I like while there are tons of other bands which cater to my tastes.

Oh and btw, just a thought: Metallica are millionaires, they don't need more money. The ''they are in it for the money and they are making nu-metal to make more money'' theory is very flawed if you ask me, they could retire right now and save themselves from all the bashing and live a peaceful life with all the money they've got.

Some people are greedy, and driven by having more and more money. I never claimed that they were in need of money, I just said they were in it for the money. There are plenty millionares, even billionares out there who are driven by expanding their net worth for the simple fact of having a bigger statistic in their bank account.
JohnnyW said:
I'd credit Slayer or Anthrax to the 80's thrash movement much more than Metallica (btw, I'm not a fan of either). They came later, in the midst of the thrash movement, which proves my point about them being trendy.

How does that prove your point? Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax released their debut albums on the same year. Slayer came from a complete different eviroment, so how Metallica would know that there was another thrash band called Slayer? Also, If I remember well Metallica was the first thrash band to release a ballad and they were called sell-outs because of it. I certainly don't see trend attitude there.

This probably doesn't count as a part of the Load era, but the track I Disappear on the Mission Impossible soundtrack did have a Godsmack-esque sound to it. And the nu-metal influence I'm talking about in St. Anger comes from the repeditive, heavily distorted riffs and power chords, the rapcore style vocals, the angsty tone, and the interlude to the mindless shouting with talentless whining as popularized by Linkin Park.

Sorry, I knew you were talking about St. Anger, I just made a mistake when I was writing my sentence. I won't even comment on I Disappear because it's pointless to say that one single song sounds like another band and therefore, i'm a trend follower. James has ALWAYS shouted on Metallica, he never was a pure singer. Listen to Master Of Puppets, most of those vocals are filled with shouts. Metallica has always had angsty tones on their music (ie. And Justice For All), but at the time being I can see why you think they are following a trend there. Metal is about distortion and power chords, if James hadn't tuned his guitar lower we wouldn't be able to hear the guitars on St. Anger o_O. I certainly don't see the rapcore style vocals either, it all ends on your point of view. I won't even try to prove you wrong because it's your opinion and I don't need to start an ''i'm right, you're wrong'' type of argument.

Who said I'm waiting for anything? Unlike many, I don't sit around and hope that some pop band will come out with something I like while there are tons of other bands which cater to my tastes.

Dude, chill out:tickled:. I was generalizing there, I wasn't talking about you.

Some people are greedy, and driven by having more and more money. I never claimed that they were in need of money, I just said they were in it for the money. There are plenty millionares, even billionares out there who are driven by expanding their net worth for the simple fact of having a bigger statistic in their bank account.

Like I said, I don't need to change your mind about anything. You don't know Metallica and neither do I, but I certainly don't make assumptions about things I don't know.
Goddammit. Look what happens when you start a tallica thread. To the guy who said that shit about "Linkin Park? Are you all 12?" I saw 'tallica on the black album tour when they still were a good band, in 93 I think. They've cast people like me aside and they want what their current tourmates are getting, the linkin park fan base, so there you go.
Metallica broke my heart for good with load, ive since moved on to bands and artists who are motivated by the love of their craft( the music) or at least have the decency to practrice their instrument from time to time. Did you guys hear Bob Rock's excuse, some bullshit about doing the opposite of what he would usually do, basically he thru technology out the window. This is how I equate Metallica , they are the Ken Griffey Jr. of Music. Once great young and fast. Now older, lazy and confused.
you know, i personally like load and re-load a lot better than their early stuff. Not to say they don't have good songs on MoP or RtL, but lars is such a sorry-ass excuse for a drummer that they can't even do their own songs justice. As for load and re-load, they were obviously trying to play shit that lars could play, and it worked out much better (if only kirk would stop humping his wah peddle for a few seconds though...) and they had a good rock record (not metal at all, but rock is a fair title). As for st. anger... haven't heard it, and whoever the fuck posted that "What were you thinking when you said "Linkin Park" Oh dear. How can you possibly compare them to the new metallica album? Are you all 12 years old? The new metallica album is good, not their best by a long way but good." has to be a joke... no one in their right mind would be serious about that. Besides... as of now this person has 1 post, which means they had to open the account for the purpose of posting that comment... doesn't sound right to me.
I only had one post cos i had just changed to a new name.

Why do people whine about metallicas newer stuff like reload and load, i prefer their ealier stuff in everyway but no band owes you anything or has to stick to the same music, and if you don't like it listen to something else and leave it.
Well, it's just that "St. Wanker" is such an incredibly, hilariously, unbelievably horrible release that it's a major event. Some of us are still trying to figure out if Moronica is serious about it. I seriously really laughed through the whole thing. As much as I have thought them to be highly over-rated (but okay) in their early days, and just plain imbecilic for the past decade, I assumed that they were a professional band, and that they at least had SOME standards of quality. And if not them, then their label. It appears that I was wrong in both cases, unless "St. Wanker" was a parody of very, very bad nu-metal garage bands. Even then, it's not very interesting.It's so bad that it's unreal. That's why we keep talking about it. Trying to connect reality with that unreality.
Benzine said:
I only had one post cos i had just changed to a new name.

Why do people whine about metallicas newer stuff like reload and load, i prefer their ealier stuff in everyway but no band owes you anything or has to stick to the same music, and if you don't like it listen to something else and leave it.

If SX starts playing nu-metal and following trends they will lose my respect as a band.
That is how it works.

If Steven Speilberg started following trends and made a teen movie, I would lose respect for him as a director.

It's one thing to experiment, its another to completely abandone and convert.