Are the Metallica fans of the 90's gone yet?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
As you all know, Metallica recently toured and primarily played setlists consisting of songs from their first four albums only. OK, there might be one from St Anger or whatever, but nothing of any significance...

Now I would guess that 80% of Metallica fans in the 90's were sold on the band from "Enter Sandman" onwards. That means, they probably owned Load and Reload before Ride the Lightning.

So are those fans gone now? I mean, why did Metallica change their setlists to only include good old songs all of a sudden? Weren't the NEW fans expecting to hear "Aint my Bitch" and "King Nothing", etc?

Was the change because:

(a) they wanted to sell more of their old albums to their NEW found fans, who had yet to buy Kill 'em All, etc.?


(b) They realized that the NEW fans had all fucked off to some rave party with trendy chicks and that only the OLD fans remained wanting to hear the classics only?

Finally, who do you think will be going to see "Some Kind of Monster"? What kind of audience is that?
<-- Started listening to Metallica after hearing Enter Sandman in 1991.

Still here. :wave:
I started with the Black album, and worked my way backwards. I've never heard anything after the Black Album except what was played on MTV and the radio.

I don't care to ever hear the band again. A mere stepping stone, they are.

Here are two responses when Terrorizer asked about Metallica playing at some festival:

Terrorizer: "Are you going to watch Metallica?"
Dani Filth: "Piss off! I saw them when they were good!"

T: same question
Jason Mendonca (Akercocke): "No! I rather sleep in a portaloo than listen to them"
ProgMetalFan said:
And also I think Metallica themselves have allowed the negative press for the Loads to get to them... so now they publicly disown them and neglect these albums in live performances.
So you're saying Metallica have sold out for a second time? :loco:
Yeah, apparently in the movie documentary, Metallica admit to disliking Load and Reload. I'm not sure what that says about St Anger then, because even on the so called "St Anger Tour" they still only played songs from the first four.

I bet some of the audience were left scratching their heads....

Somwhere out there is a Metallica fan that started on St Anger, hahaha.
Answer: B. The trendy bandwagon fans have either disappeared and moved on to other nu-metal trash, or still like St. Anger okay but shun Metallica's old stuff like Load and Reload.

Some Kind of Monster viewers: new fans and the rare old school "I love everything Metallica has ever done and yes I was first in line for Kill 'em All too."

My Metallica story: Saw Enter Sandman performed on the MTV awards and fell completely in love. The Black Album was my first CD I ever purchased, and also the first metal album since I found Twisted Sister - Come Out and Play for cheap like 5 years earlier. Quickly purchased / borrowed / dubbed / etc. all prior Metallica albums and then when everyone threw a hissy fit with Load I said "you fuckers weren't listening to Metallica but 2 years ago and neither was I so shut up. Also, they're old men, listen to and love the old shit instead."
Adrian said:
The Black Album was my first CD I ever purchased.
Same here. :) Back in '92 when it came out. Then worked my way backwards, then bought my first Megadeth album, Rust in Peace.

My first album ever, which was a cassette: Van Halen - 1984 (back in '84, when I was seven; damn I'm old school)
Adrian said:
Answer: B. The trendy bandwagon fans have either disappeared and moved on to other nu-metal trash, or still like St. Anger okay but shun Metallica's old stuff like Load and Reload.
You know, I might go with (a). Each time they play MTV shows, they're still only doing the 80's stuff, and it just seems a bit forced as if they're saying, "Look we know you've all bought the black album and Load, but Kill em All and Ride the Lightning aren't even platinum do us a favour, go buy!!".

So anyway, my thread question was going to lead to this -- are bands like Judas Priest or Megadeth or [insert 80's comeback band with horrible 90's period] going to follow suit?

I wonder if Megadeth tour now, they'll do maybe 2-3 songs from the new album and all the rest from RiP backwards?
I have no idea what Metallica's financial plans are, nor do I care. All I know is they had a private jet to tour the black album so probably had a lot of cash from the 80's.

Oh yeah just checked, all the old stuff is platinum or better, even stuff like Cliff'em All and Garage Days Revisited.

JayKeeley said:
I wonder if Megadeth tour now, they'll do maybe 2-3 songs from the new album and all the rest from RiP backwards?
Oh darn, I'm so sad I can't stop banging my head. :kickass: :loco:
I don't question the integrity of the Priest. Hell, with every album, including the ones w/ Ripper, they played numerous songs from the current albums.

As far as Metallica goes, I'd love to see the film just to see the trainwreck that is their band falling apart. My first experience with Metallica was in 1986 in the backseat of my parents car on the way to New Braunsfels, TX. I had Ride The Lightning on my headphones... My life was forever changed.

JayKeeley said:
As you all know, Metallica recently toured and primarily played setlists consisting of songs from their first four albums only. OK, there might be one from St Anger or whatever, but nothing of any significance...

Now I would guess that 80% of Metallica fans in the 90's were sold on the band from "Enter Sandman" onwards. That means, they probably owned Load and Reload before Ride the Lightning.

So are those fans gone now? I mean, why did Metallica change their setlists to only include good old songs all of a sudden? Weren't the NEW fans expecting to hear "Aint my Bitch" and "King Nothing", etc?

Was the change because:

(a) they wanted to sell more of their old albums to their NEW found fans, who had yet to buy Kill 'em All, etc.?


(b) They realized that the NEW fans had all fucked off to some rave party with trendy chicks and that only the OLD fans remained wanting to hear the classics only?

Finally, who do you think will be going to see "Some Kind of Monster"? What kind of audience is that?
You assume that ANYONE of significance likes Load and Reload.

Most popular Metallica songs at teh scrobbler:
I don't know ... but I like Load and Reload more than St. Anger.
Supposedely they are going right back to record a new record once the current tour is over, something they never did before. I am really curious what attrocity this will be.
First off, I hear some kind of monster is popular with people in rehab. James and Lars were instructed to write a song in 5 minutes to get those demons out of them as part of their therapy.

My first Metallica album was ...and justice for all. Its still my favorite Metallica album despite the shitty production. I then bought the Black album, then Master
About once every two years I pull out Load and listen to half of it, it's a halfway decent rock album. Reload I've never heard but if I ever see it for a buck or two I'll probably pick it up for shits and giggles.

St. Anger I would buy for under a dollar just for experimental purposes.
The Black Album is when I stopped listening to Metallica, or at least caring about their new stuff. I still listen to the old stuff every so often (Master of Puppets is on right now, in fact), but really I only care for Ride the Lightning through And Justice For All. Kill 'Em All was too sloppy, and after AJFA they became trendy musicians and lost their edge.

My guess is anything they do is motivated by money, so I'm gonna go with they are trying to cash in on old fans who hate the new shit because the new fans have abandoned them.