Black metals biggest fans are ruining it?

I think the one similarity that is strongest is that both musical styles have a very strong ideology with them, and some poeple get their panties in a bunch over this ='(
IOfTheStorm said:
Because someone's beliefs usually have nothing to do with the art he/she creates. And when they do, his/her art is not totally based there (most of the times).

Emphasised to show why I thought "ideology should never be in music" was a bit of a silly thing to say :)

As far as Black Metal = punk goes...well, hmmm...I don't know how many people listen to Beyond The Great Vast Forest and hear London Calling :loco: the comparison would be valid for stuff like Bathory, Absurd and similar bands...not not all Black Metal is like that. So yet another dumb generalisation.
I realize my black metal = punk comment was superficial in that obviously they sound nothing alike. but I was thinking of the DIY ethic of recording production that punk USED to have. Of course, punk became commercially viable and BM did not, but look at the history.

Good Charlotte is riding around in limos. Most BM bands probably have to take up a collection just to fund the next gig's sheeps heads.