For those of you in Melbourne


Apr 15, 2001
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As you might know I start my new job on 14.10.03 next tuesday. However I have to fly to Melbourne the day before and be put up at the Novetal in Collins Street for 2 weeks ..........what a bummer..........maybe I could catch up some of you guys say on a thursday night........Also I do not know Melbourne very well , as I have Never been there........
The Trooper said:
Ahhhh cool we should get a Melbourne Maiden Downunder meet & greet thing happening then! :)

Cool by me .............Will get in touch say sunday or Monday to sort out any details etc ............cheers
My step father goes to Melb. a few days a week for week and I think it is there he also stays! So hard of a life he has....gets flown there and back every week work pays for accomodation meals and everything...last week he was there for a week and his wrk payed for my mum to go down there wonder his not loosing the weight he should be with the novotel food at least twice a day!
Troops I have sent you a private mail thinghy I will be arriving in melbourne tonight and be there until this friday..........Fly home friday and back again on sunday for another week
Goreripper said:
What a hard life having to stay at the Novotel for two weeks. I wish my life was as hard as yours mate. :)
Yeah Its hard life but somebodys gotta do it...........

Bit worried about the waistline as Jon Bon Jovi pointed out though.........
I'd love to join you Bucko, but I've got a thesis due in 24 days and I'm starting to shit myself! Already got too many social engagements coming up. Might have to catch you next time! :(
Sorry I couldn't catch up either dude... I was flat out last week with uni stuff! Always gets like this in the last few weeks of semester.
The Trooper said:
Sorry I couldn't catch up either dude... I was flat out last week with uni stuff! Always gets like this in the last few weeks of semester.
No probs had another good week in your fair city .........Picked up a Iron Maiden figure "THE TROOPER " a a store in the city called Minoturer .........
What a nice guy I am . My neighbour also likes maiden so I gave him "The Trooper " for 50 bucks and have ordered another on-line with the store .......can wait to receive it so it can sit next to Ozzy in Bark At the Moon mode.........