For those of you with Floyd Rose bridges


Feb 26, 2003
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Hello...I just purchased my third Jackson guitar (an SL-3 solist) I have encountered a small problem that I have sometimes when re-stringing. After replacing the strings one at a time and bringing them all to tune, the bridge is now pulled up farther than before, so that it isnt flush with the body anymore. This also causes the string action to be higher, especially the higher you go on the neck. Does anyone have any tips for getting it set up to fix this? How can I get the bridge back to being level?
I think you have to fix the soul* ( a metal stick which goes through the neck of the guitar ) of the guitar. However, don't pay me so much attention, because I'm a f#"%ng n00b at guitar and my brother ( who is a pro ) uses to do that "dangerous" things.

* In Spanish is called soul
Ill give this a go but I will most likely be wrong.

Have you tried taking the backplate off and adjusting the springs in the back of the guitar. This will make the fall back down again. I would take it pretty low as you will have to retune most likely when you have finished.

Sorry if this is wrong, but thats all I can think of man :erk:
yeah, try releasing a bit springs on your backplate, with a screwdriver, its quite easy and save :p Btu remember that theres a rule with FR bridges and changing your strings, change one after another, not the whole set just like that...
HAhaha, Bodomic? release the springs? that'll make it go up further..

What i suggest is release the springs to about 3/4 of their way out...

Loosen ALL your strings about 4-6 turns
then screw the bridge in till it is near enough flat, then tune.

Lowering the brige tightens th springsso if you loosen them when its high they will be tighter when it lowers.
I had to do this a few days ago with my warlock cause i did a pickup change and had to have all strings off.

Normally its easier, but for all springs, try my method.

It'll take about 30 attempts to get right but it does the job. (I never ever take all strings off unless i have to)
Ok , good ,you're talking about guitars w/FR bridge here . Well I got a question too : What would happen if I added some springs ? Now there is 3 of them , but there's room for 2 more .
Well, nothing much dude, you'd just have to use thicker strings to keep the bridge level.

The more springs you add, the more force the bridge has bulling it into the body so you gotta match that tension with thicker stirngs.
NeedledWarheart said:
Well, nothing much dude, you'd just have to use thicker strings to keep the bridge level.

The more springs you add, the more force the bridge has bulling it into the body so you gotta match that tension with thicker stirngs.
Thx , man . :wave: :worship:
No problem bro.

I personally use 3 in the "roope LAtvala spring config".

Does anything i need it to and makes the bar way smoother.
When restringing a floyd, pull up the whammy and stick some cloth under the bridge. This will prevent the bridge from sinking into the body, and you can take all 6 strings off at once. Once you restring, tune up, strech the strings, tune again, and remove the cloth. The bridge should be at the same level as it was when you started. If not, just stretch the strings and retune a few times and it should settle down.
Alexi uses Dean MArkley .10's if anyone is interested.

and the spring config is

|| \
|| \

If that makes sense.

The two Springs are at the side of the High E/B and the crossed over one is in the side of he low E.

If you go to the "What gear do roope and Alexi use with their Jackson RR L/L's" thread on the sinergy board, roope explains this himself.

Hope i was of help:D
NeedledWarheart said:
Alexi uses Dean MArkley .10's if anyone is interested.

and the spring config is

|| \
|| \

If that makes sense.

The two Springs are at the side of the High E/B and the crossed over one is in the side of he low E.

If you go to the "What gear do roope and Alexi use with their Jackson RR L/L's" thread on the sinergy board, roope explains this himself.

Hope i was of help:D
So this is what Roope said :

Abot hte springs:
The tension of strings causes cross-tension to the strings, Low end pulls harder, so it´s good way to put the 2 springs on the thin side and the 1 spring to the other. I put it to the second place of the anchor. Always able to adjust the tension with the BOLTS! I´ve fixed Alexis guitars that way too. You know when it´s good by the " TIRRS". It´s that funny dyoijoingrrrrrrrrrrrr sound. VERY VERY useful whenever you are playing somewhere in deep woods. The rescue-bar is always handy in desperate situations!!!!
About carvings: I get better grip if The high end (4bars) are carved. I don´t have exactly FAT fingers but it gives a nice tight feeling when you get HIGH! and BEND! Anyway I use as big frets that there are ,so no need to carve.
Engl is like 10000000 x 9088765 times better than Velocity:s.
Rocktrons keeps breaking all the time:mad: and the 250 model is far worse than the older 300 version. (sound and quality)
Engl is a tube amp and sounds great( expensive though)
Myself I prefear VHT , cause it simply sounds the fucking BEST!

That´s all for now about the gear-bullshit, they all break anyway.

:loco: :loco: :loco: All the best :EUROOPE
here, ill go find the pic i know of but its like so
Claw side (5 hooks)
- - - - -
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- - - - -
Hole side (5 holes)

i think that is the best i can do with ascia or whatever

but lemme go find the pic *goes and finds pic*
