For those on

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.
"Woods 3" songs are now live at

For those NOT already on, please go register. It's actually pretty cool if you're a music/metal lover. The main benefit I find is being able to listen to a radio station of 'similar artists' within a genre you like. You still find lots of really cool, obscure stuff that you've maybe never heard of before. Anyways, we're now officially, there. Go cause a ruckus! :heh:

Already got you as a friend, cause my other forum buddies told me cause they know I'm a huge WoY nerd :p Last FM rules. I can't wait to see your top 10 for the week David, its gonna be like, Dave Matthews, Norah Jones, Vintersorg and Agalloch, haha.
I like Dave Matthews, haha. Norah Jones not so much, but some of the quiet stuff you were listening to was good. Sorry, I'm always really fascinated by what my favourite artists listen to (mainly those who write the stuff), so I had to go "creep" your listening :p
You can usually find me listening to the Nick Cave related artists channel (which can be pretty fucking gloomy at times), but I will admit that I found some killer acoustic singer/songwritter stuff from the Ben Harper related artists channel (somewhat more upbeat and less 'suicidal' in content). Ben Harper is way too 'popular' for me but I found a bunch of cool, more obscure artists with good lyrics and something to say. Listening to the WoY channel will also help you discover some REALLY abstract 'mood' metal from Russia and Eastern Europe...stuff that sounds NOTHING like the sound of the Borknagar/Vintersorg/Norway scene that we've all become so familiar with. It was nice to hear some new life. Enjoy your discovering! \w/ :kickass:

If you have not yet downloaded lastfm to your PC, I personally, strongly recommend that you do! I only started using it a few months ago, but I'm hooked! For those unfamiliar, think of it as an on-demand radio station that will play continuous music from similar bands to the artist that you choose. For example, you can type in "Woods of Ypres" and it will give you a radio station w/ mostly black and doom bands (and a few surprises). It's also a great way to discover more bands from genres that you don't know much about such as industral/electronica or acoustic singer song-writter stuff.

+ Once you download the software and register, visit our page and post something:

(btw - I don't work for lastfm or anything (yet), I just think it's fucking awesome, and free and I use it all the time now!) :kickass: