Forbidden Discography question


KS Metalhead
Oct 18, 2010
Topeka, KS
I need a forum opinion here. I have Forbiddens Twisted into Form and Forbidden Evil along with Omega Wave. I also see that they have 2 other CDs out, Distortion and Green. Does anyone own these and if so what is your opinion on them. Are they worth getting or skip overs? And by skip overs I mean very weak for the band.
I need a forum opinion here. I have Forbiddens Twisted into Form and Forbidden Evil along with Omega Wave. I also see that they have 2 other CDs out, Distortion and Green. Does anyone own these and if so what is your opinion on them. Are they worth getting or skip overs? And by skip overs I mean very weak for the band.

My favorite is "Twisted into Form' but 'Distortion..." is also good. There is a King Crimson cover on it. I'm however not that much into the new one but in fairness only listen to it a couple of times.
The 3 you have are the essentials. Distortion and Green are Ok, but after seeing them twice they haven't played anything off them. That might change in Atlanta. *crosses fingers for Twisted in its entirety* .
I also never got those two albums. Not for any particular reason... I just never wound up getting them. However, at this point, fans' opinions of Distortion seem mixed, and tend to be somewhat negative towards Green, so it looks like they don't play any songs from those discs when they're opening, and only play 1 each when they have a longer set. I guess focusing primarily on Forbidden Evil, Twisted Into Form, and Omega Wave is the best plan.
Distortion is the better album. Green-they kind of mixed in some nu-metal elements to their sound and the vocals were a little distorted in songs...
Distortion is too modern/groove to hold up to the greatness of the early albums. It's decent, but if it were the band's only album they'd fade away quickly. Those first two albums are the essential ones. And they will likely only focus on early and new material rather than any mid-career stuff.
Distortion and Green both suck elephant dick. Don't worry about them. Twisted Into Form and Forbidden Evil are both fucking great. Omega Wave is also a solid listen. Just don't waste yr time with D or G.
From The Ultimate Revenge II

Chalice of Blood

Through Eyes of Glass

Feel No Pain
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Distortion is excellent. Yes there are modern elements creeping in but overall still excellent. Green pretty much sucks. It has some moments that I can tolerate but overall it's not worth your time.
I need a forum opinion here. I have Forbiddens Twisted into Form and Forbidden Evil along with Omega Wave. I also see that they have 2 other CDs out, Distortion and Green. Does anyone own these and if so what is your opinion on them. Are they worth getting or skip overs? And by skip overs I mean very weak for the band.

I have purchased Omega Wave on iTunes and will put it into the iPod rotation tonight. The only other Forbidden album available on iTunes is Green - which everyone apparently hates. I live up on the NE side of Atlanta - anyone have ideas as to where I can score some Forbidden discs up here, since I doubt I have time to order, receive, rip, and listen before ProgPower?