Foreign (focus on german) thrash

A Delirious update for us plaese.................?

Ok, here we go.............!!!!!! Find some pictures here!!!

Seven songs are ready.

1) Hate Trader (modern, groovy Thrasher)
2) Tripple 6 (brutal fast Thrasher, old school style)
These other songs haven't titels yet.
3) In Flames style Thrasher
4) a very slow, fuckin slow song
5) mid-tempo Thrasher
6) a Ballade ui, ui, ui
7) Bay Area Thrasher

I think the song writing prozess ends in febuary!!! After that we will complet all our demo recordings and mix them. Then we go out for a new contract!!!

Hope you all understand, what I write, hehehe!!!!

Find here a soundexample from Triple 6!!! Enjoy!!! :rock:

The last time I saw you guys was in Belguim(No Mercy), I sneaked all you guys(with girlfriends) in to that Sold Out show........That was classic, I had the help of Death Angel's Manager, we used his Lament & mine, and carefully got all of you at a time...........that was a fun night!
Fucking Destruction!!!! And Kreation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CORONER!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh :yell: :yell: :yell:

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

I'm sorry, I'm just listening to bestial invasion by destruction right now, how appropriate!
The last time I saw you guys was in Belguim(No Mercy), I sneaked all you guys(with girlfriends) in to that Sold Out show........That was classic, I had the help of Death Angel's Manager, we used his Lament & mine, and carefully got all of you at a time...........that was a fun night!

Some picture from Belgium!!!


:Smokin: :rock: