Forest Stream reviews

Forest Stream took also a very good 7,5/10 on Grind Zone Magazine in Italy this month... (i think it's worthless to include here the italian wording, but it's quite good!)
The only thing which kill me is following:
PUT MY NOSE INTO THE PLACE WHERE WE QUOTE METALLICA OR MY DYING BRIDE OR DIMMU BORGIR. I know these bands like my 5 fingers. NOT A SINGLE MELODY CITES THOSE BANDS. I know this feeling, it just sounds like you already know it. GRRRRRRRRR...
:))))))))))))) Yesterday I bought some French text-books, time for German:)))!!! heheheee
Originally posted by Sonm
The only thing which kill me is following:
PUT MY NOSE INTO THE PLACE WHERE WE QUOTE METALLICA OR MY DYING BRIDE OR DIMMU BORGIR. I know these bands like my 5 fingers. NOT A SINGLE MELODY CITES THOSE BANDS. I know this feeling, it just sounds like you already know it. GRRRRRRRRR...

I really already know it! :)