Forest Stream reviews

His name is Ivan! Didn't you know that?! :lol: More over he is always with me, at home, at work, even when I sleep:) He's my angel!! Save and protect!

Ivan you are a fottuto chingiale...
Got mit uns... Kaufen met Kopf! Why don't they speak english???!

Forest Stream
Tears Of Mortal Solitude
Elitist / Earache MOSH 904 CD / Ñîþç

Òàêîãî äóì-ìåòàëà ìèð äàâíî íå ñëûøàë!
Óâû, îòå÷åñòâåííûå ÑÌÈ íå áüþò â êîëîêîëà ïî ïîâîäó óñïåõà îòå÷åñòâåííûõ èñòèííî íåçàâèñèìûõ ðîê-ãðóïï íà çàìîðñêèõ òåððèòîðèÿõ. À âåäü ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíûé ñóáëåéáë Elitist ïðîñëàâëåííîé Earache Records ñîâåðøåííî íå çðÿ ïîäïèñàë êîíòðàêò ñ ïîäìîñêîâíûì òðèî Forest Stream - ïîäîáíîé ìóçûêè ìèðó íå õâàòàëî êàê ìèíèìóì ëåò âîñåìü! Ìîíóìåíòàëüíûé ñèìôîíè÷åñêèé äóì-ìåòàë ñ íèçêèì ðû÷àùèì âîêàëîì îáëàäàåò èñòèííî ãèïíîòè÷åñêèì âîçäåéñòâèåì íà ñëóøàòåëÿ íå â ïîñëåäíþþ î÷åðåäü áëàãîäàðÿ âåñüìà ñîâåðøåííîé ìåëîäèêå ñ ôîëê-óêëîíîì, íàïîìèíàþùåé îá ñåíñàöèè-95 îòå÷åñòâåííîãî àíäåðãðàóíäà Goresleeps. Ìåñòàìè FS äîâîäèò ñâîé ìàòåðèàë äî ãðàíèöû ïîëíîé "ìóçûêàëüíîé ñòàòèêè" ("Autumn Elegy") â äóõå ðàííèõ Solitude Aeturnus èëè Winter, ìåñòàìè æå ðàçãîíÿþòñÿ äî íåõèëûõ ñêîðîñòåé, íàïîìèíàÿ ðàííèé Cathedral ("Mel Kor") - à çàòåì âñå íàêðûâàþò çâóêîâûì ñàâàíîì àïîêàëèïòè÷åñêèå êëàâèøíûå ïàðòèè. Ýìîöèîíàëüíàÿ ìóçûêà: ïëàêàòü õî÷åòñÿ, ïðÿìî êàê ïîä My Dying Bride... Ê ñîæàëåíèþ, ïðè âçãëÿäå íà îáëîæêó - òîæå.

Ïîíðàâèòñÿ òåì, ó êîãî â êîëëåêöèè åñòü...
Goresleeps "And The Voices From Legend Will Proclaim..."
Winter (US) "Into Darkness"

They say - music is great. The world was waiting for 8 years. But the cover art is shit. I tooootally disagree... busty strumpits....
All of them are gays except english, actually irish housemate. That one is a great guy, others are shite...
From Supernal Music mail order catalogue - the UK's biggest black / death / underground metal seller.


FOREST STREAM (Rus): "Tears of Mortal Solitude" cd
(Elitist Records)
FOREST STREAM do justice to their name: herein we are treated to
smooth, calm atmospheres, constructed with spacious, high-pitched
synthesis and abundant use of reverberated arpeggios, intercalated
among the Metal proper, which is slow and deliberate, and perhaps
a more Black Metal version of mid '90s ANATHEMA or MY DYING BRIDE. The
production is limpid and sharp, de-emphasising the polished
execution and thus allowing the mind to wander into bosks and wooded
settings straight out of paintings from the Baroque or
Neoclassical period. I say Baroque or Neoclassical because of the
intimate, elegant character of the music; its focus on beauty; and
because this lacks the emotional turbulence and raw, undisciplined
violence of the Romantic period. FOREST STREAM are reflective and
controlled, placid and introspective. The reference to the Baroque does
not apply to the actual composition, however, as beauty is
achieved here through relative simplicity of form, as opposed to heavy,
feminine ornamentation. Certainly, this is not the bold,
arrogant, triumphalist work of a rising civilisation, but rather of one
in a state of decline, for here we see the escapism,
intimism, introspection, preciousness, nostalgia, and beauty-culture
that characterise the art of crepuscular cultures, before it
all turns into a nightmare of hedonistic corruption and all ways grow
dark (here I can cite that subhuman harlot Christina Aguilera
as an example of what we can find in the latter). If times are bleak
and you would rather escape into a bucholic landscape, where
you can dream and smell the moist, fragrant air of the forest, where
your mind can rest and empty itself of all its troubles, where
you can exist in a state of simplicity and contentness as the
afternoons linger on, FOREST STREAM show you the footpaths to follow.
Primal Agony
Full Strength
Beat magazine street press

Forest Stream
Tears Of Mortal Solitude
Elitist/Earache Records

Forest Stream hails from Chernogolovka, in Russia of all places! After being together for some eight years (With only one line up reshuffle), Sonm the Darkest (Drums and vocals), Wizard Omin (Guitars), Silent Anth (Bass) make up what is Forest Stream today.

After releasing two (Demo) E.P.’s (1999’s ‘Snowfall’ and 2000’s ‘Last Seasons Purity’), Forest Stream signed to Elitist Records and started working on their debut album immediately.

‘Tears Of Mortal Solitude’ is the first part of a trilogy that Forest Stream plan to record, and is well worthy of your attention.

Their music has been described as ‘Funeral Metal’, and it’s not hard to imagine why after giving the album a couple of spins. It’s a mixture of symphonic orchestration, doom and atmospheric black metal produced over some pretty epic numbers.

Within a mere nine tracks, Forest Stream makes the most of what they have to offer.

The opening number ‘Autumn Elegy’ is a short doom laden piece of cinematic black metal with some cool My Dying Bride inspired guitar work that serves as the albums introduction piece.

‘Legend’ is a little more straightforward in its black metal approach, with Sonm’s vocals growling with plenty of black venom.

There’s a slight Opeth feel to ‘Last Season Purity’ and ‘Snowfall’ (Especially the acoustic bit at the end), while the big number on the album has to go to ‘Mel Kor’. It’s on this track where the band seems to combine all the best they can possibly muster and capture it within one defining moment.

Another song that almost matches the same level of excellence is ‘Black Swan’. The clean vocals mix well with the epic feel of the keyboards, while ‘Winter Solstice’ again brings up those comparisons with My Dying Bride. The tail end moves with eloquent atmospherics that I haven’t heard from in black metal for some time. The same symphonic theme runs through to the short parting number ‘Steps of Mankind’.

While most of the press coverage is focused on the prolific European front, its good to hear a band such as Forest Stream come from a remote place with no way to truly expose their talents, and release an album that is both original and unique. I can only hope that ‘Tears Of Mortal Solitude’ goes some way to bringing them the praise they so duly deserve.

For more information on Forest Stream, check out -
I forgot to ask. Shall I doo that in middle english?:lol:
Lee adores that stile of mine!!:lol:
Okay.... Sorry for my poor english but that's waht I ended up with!
Tears of Mortal Solitude 10/10

Russian band is signed by a relatively "cool" western label? Just 5 years ago I'd concider that as a stupid joke. Of course we have (we had and we will have!) good bands realeasing thier albums
through tiny western labels (like Mortem - a worthy but but not a very lucky band), but hardly being able to reach more in their career. Earache is a different story! You can praise it or blame it but one thing remains clear: they are capable of providing a good promotion. And distribution is not that kind of a problem too. Not a worthless mailorder though. That's why I am so glad for Forest Stream - they didn't miss their chance. However, their luck is just a tiny part of the whole story. "Tears of Mortal Solitude" is at the least a good stuff. Fairly blackish doom, more sad than dark and gloomy... in the imagination of a listener it paints a lonely stranger, who found himself in the thicket of a winter forest, not a scary one but killing with its ultimate greyness. The dazzling sun grants no hope, on the contrary bereaves of it. That forest seemed a salutary shelter but appeared to be a creature which is absolutely indifferent to problems of the alive. The forest was here, always, and it will stay here, for ever. It doesn't care of a wandrer looking for a support from these cold, thorny branches... No, Tears of Mortal Solitude is not good, it is magnificent! So tragic, atmoshperic music is able to enchant anybody. Would I be wrong saying it's the Art?