Forget The Haunted here is Carnal Forge!!!


Apr 13, 2002
Lima Peru
well these 2 bands started the same year 1998 but the last 2 the haunted's cds are boring but Carnal Forge gets better, i love the haunted first cd but, after listenning cds like Whos gonna burn, Firedemons, Please die and the new The more you suffer, i only can say Carnal Forge is pure hatred and thrash!!!!!!!!!!!hope to see them open for testament:mad: :D :lol:
Carnal Fucking Forge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey estigma , love the clips on the site. I downloaded all of them. I don't know if I would say they are "better" than The Haunted, but they are good and thrashy. They are have a different sound from the Haunted so it's not easy to compare. Kind of reminds me of At the gates style vocals , but fast heavy thrash type riffs. I dig it. Thanks for the recommendation. :cool:
Carnal forge is good (and super fast) but not as good as the haunted. The haunted mix it up more and have more versatility. like Vader, it's hard to listen to a carnal forge disc in its entirety. They get boring after about 6-7 songs = all the songs sound a like. Of course though, I'll pick up the new one as I got all the others. I've heard a few of the new tracks and they sound awesome. :headbang:

And it would be killer to see them on tour w/ testament :headbang:
CARNAL FORGE KILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hey bob, i agree just a little with you about the "sounding alike" tracks, but i think the best example of that was "the haunted made me do it" i bought it and got rid of it in about 2months. it bored me stiff, talk about monotony. now the new track "shithead" sounds great by itself, but hopefully the whole cd has some variety...
Driftwood - the new Haunted owens all the others. Shithead is a great song and stereotypical of the album. you'll dig it.

THMMDI had was all over the place in terms of tempo and vocals. that album had a good mix of fast toones (bury your dead), slow ones (Leech), and melody - both vocally (under the surface) and musically (trespass). IT was as solid album the whole way through :headbang:
Originally Posted By Omnipotent Bob:".....THMMDI had was all over the place in terms of tempo and vocals. that album had a good mix of fast toones (bury your dead), slow ones (Leech), and melody - both vocally (under the surface) and musically (trespass). IT was as solid album the whole way through "


Nailed that one shut Bob, next case.................and of course I agree fully, solid album....................:devil:
they are both good but the haunted first cd good?? I think not, I couldn't stand the hardcore style. I think they have progressively got better over the last two cds.

I am not knocking carnal forge though. I think they,the haunted, or dew scented should be touring with some of the bay area bands or nuclear assault for some thrashing madness on the road!!! \m/
I prefer The Haunted. Hate to say it, but I find that, although Please Die is a great record, it does get tediously monotonous after the first couple of tracks. I haven't really attempted to get into it all that much, but The Haunted always make me come back for more. And One Kill Wonder is absolutely terrific.
hey bob...sorry but i don't agree about THMMDI...i gave that damn thing so many chances to grow on me, and it never did. i found MOST of the songs to be the VERY SAME SPEED, not all just the majority. i don't feel that way about "firedemon" at all, so you may think i'm high on crack, BUT HEY, WHAT KIND OF A WORLD WOULD IT BE IF WE ALL AGREED ON EVERYTHING ALL OF THE TIME??? BORING AND LAME!!! I will definitely get OKW...that track is great!!! thrash on metal brother!
sorry man! i'd love to, but i have NO money at all!!! My wife is a "stay-at-home" mom right now with our 2 kiddies, so i can only justify spending the coin on say, TestAment (NYE-2003 kicked ass, man!!!), or a couple of other bands i really dig. That tour of NILE/SYL/DARK TRANQUILITY looks very it coming around down here?
have heard the MAIDENS are pretty killer...have you seen them before? I'd like to see them, DRAIN STH(couple of them look HOT!), and NASHVILLE PUSSY in concert. Have you seen any of these? The amazon in NP has an incredible rack...
sorry. he sounds like typical swedish metal guy. similar to sins of omission the "high" vocals amon amarth use. semi high pitch, raspy death growls. understandable about 50% of the time w/o putting forth any effort of trying to pay attention. you should dig em. they are one of the fastest band out there :heavy