Forgive Me, I forgot how awesome Sigh were....

IS is horrific at times, it's just not a traditional horror vibe. It's more of a Goblin soundtrack playing to a Battle Royale field trip kind of thing. And in any case, the whole point of extreme vocals is to deliver some sense of anguish or whatever - either way, it's not exactly 'sounds of the ocean' or whatever.

By the way, I just remembered Mirai is on the new Meads of Asphodel as well.
Ghastly Funeral Theater rules.

So when the hell is the new Sigh album coming out?

Anyone else get the limited vinyl split with Sigh/Necrophagia?
I have a split picture disc (sigh/necropahgia) It got warped in the car,But i did just find all 6 albums on soul seek. Its hard to order any of the older albums. I ve been dying to get something new by them. Sigh and Fantomas are the only bands that can keep my attention lately.
fuck off the downloads, dude. Everything except Infidel Art should be fairly easy to find.

I have that split pic disc, too. Kinda useles, but for $6 p/p, I can't complain. WHo knows, maybe a collector's item down the road.
no, i will continue to download music. i will continue to buy cds. and i wont lose an once of sleep over it. go argue over what black metal is or isnt. or just go watch gummo. it can only help us.
Artwork from forthcoming release...

Sigh fucking RULES. "Shingontachikawa" = if Genesis played black metal and were asian
I've been meaning to check out this band for 10 years, and last week I was told elsewhere that they would be my type of thing.

What album should I buy first? Or I'll just get whatever the highest % on Metal Archives as is my usual tradition for new bands.