Who wants to sell me these CD's?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Sigh - Infidel Art

Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape

I have all the others . . . and they are all excellent. Why doesn't anybody ever talk about Scenario IV?

And Scorn Defeat is quite a bit more advanced than I was thinking it would be. The piano and such was unexpected, after hearing who "grim" and so on the album was.

Anyway . . . sell me those CD's or tell me where to buy them, because I can't find them anywhere else. Oh . . . I won't buy from CM distro, because the don't have a secure server. Who the hell can't set up a secure server?
Serio holmes, I spun From the Shadows & The Second Ring of Power yesterday and was completely crushed. Easily top 5 best Doom output of all time.

This my friends, is hopelessness.

Somebody sell me this ish, ye fucks can go buy an assload of Jazz with the proceeds!
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"from the shadows" is an album i have a real hard time getting into, it's pretty scary and very heavy but very uninviting

plus the occasional female vocals are just the WORST
Fucking eh, apparently Peaceville is reissuing their entire catalog. Gracefallen & From the Shadows is already out, with Rapture dropping at the end of next month. Problem solved, I'm completely fine with the re-issues for the time being.

Note to all who give a turd-

Re-issued albums will include previously unreleased studio and live bonus material, beginning with one studio recorded bonus track in Gracafallen. More is coming with Rapture and The Second Ring of Power. Unholy is currently seaching for DVD editing and authorizing capable person to make The Second Ring of Power bonus DVD. Interested persons, please contact press email.[/I]

With that being said, I'll still gladly pay $20 a piece for the originals if anybody wants to unload these bad boys.
"from the shadows" is an album i have a real hard time getting into, it's pretty scary and very heavy but very uninviting

plus the occasional female vocals are just the WORST

It's not as "accessible" as Second Ring, but it's probably the most quintessential doom record I've heard. There's not a note that does not utter unbridled doom. It's cavernous in approach, like being smothered with a pillow by an Indian, the air is sucked from your windpipe, a tracheotomy of terror ensues. But bullshit hype aside, this shit kicks ass. :Smokin:

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sure, all of that is true

also this is likely the first time in history someone's described "second ring of power" as "accessible"

you might be interested to learn that NORTHERN HERITAGE (www.cfprod.com/nh/) and RUSTY CROWBAR (http://www.rustycrowbar.com/) reissued unholy's demo and first 7" on vinyl a while back. also HOLY HELL (pre-UNHOLY)
I can't wait for The Second Ring of Power reissue. That's the best material the band put out but it's the one release I don't own. I picked up the demo vinyl reissues and they came with a nice 30 page booklet with the history of the band and lyrics. This quote is about the band playing live after the release of Gracefallen.

Metal music in the dawn of the millennium wasn't that big a thing in Finland, our old fans had grown out of listening to Unholy and no new fan base could be found. The underground scene with its by-products made us sick and we believed we were able to tame the big audiences on our side with perseverance. Our aim was to tour actively big festivals in Finland and abroad. We we possibly five years early, when thinking about it afterwards. Our ambitions were on a really high level but in the end the highlights of our new gig career were a few gigs as a warm-up band for Children of Bodom.

anyways here's the Holy Hell Kill Jesus EP

UNHOLY used to be so cool

i remember when one guy kicked his brother out of the band because he joined the army, and "only a slave is a soldier, and a slave can not be a part of UNHOLY"

also, from an interview i found:

We destroy LP's from such bands as BURZUM and ABRUPTUM in our shows, also the products of Christians will be destroyed...


i love these guys (so much that i printed my own unholy shirt, even)

why are bands such fucking wimps today, no one dares say anything controversial in interviews now, nothing means anything anymroe