Formal Qualifications

My degree is in English/Business Administration and am working on a masters now in Professional Writing and Rhetoric. I do also have a lutherie degree which has helped with audio stuff (in the capacity of getting guitars into prime recording condition mostly). In terms of career I'm kind of split between audio/guitar work and writing, they are each like half my income so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm still fairly young so whatever. I feel like lots of people end up in career fields they didn't study in school (if they went to school at all) so not having "qualifications" for audio work shouldn't really be a deterrence.
electrical engineering technologies; helps for a few tech things hardware or theory (signal analyzis, waves). Not much no one knows here, just a differant approach I guess. Helps my personal progress with my audio stuff/not looking for a career in audio except my own things. Anyway, would not help to find a job in audio.
My electrical engineering and informatics school did help a bit, I can understand any theoretical concept, but that's about it. I have completely different diplomas in 2 different fields.
I have a degree in music technology from a vocational school. I've not needed the degree for anything really, just pretty much used it to apply for jobless benefits after I graduated. The school itself was a lot of fun and I learned quite a bit, but mostly from doing my own projects in the school studios, gigging with the students who were studying to become musicians and making friends who were into the stuff as much as I am. The networking part was the best bit I guess, I still get calls for work from the friends who I'd hang out and drink beer with there.

I'm now studying ICT innovation to get a bit more into the coding side of things and freelance the music stuff on the side. I guess I should mention that I have some different ideas for what I want to do in the future rather than just owning a studio or doing live sound, so I'm pretty happy with where I'm heading. Although TBH the whole ICT thing is because I didn't get accepted into the school I actually applied to :lol:

Oh, and we get student benefits in Finland, so I actually "get money" from studying, as I did while studying music technology. So studying music isn't such a bad idea as it'd be in countries where you have to get tons of loans for the stuff.