Former ANTHRAX Guitarist ROB CAGGIANO: 'My Heart Simply Wasn't In It Anymore'

Scott's said it himself - Dan Spitz isn't coming back.

If I had a dime every time Scott said something that wasn't true or didnt end up being true I'd be a rich man!

Just wait until the labels, tour promoters, publishing etc starts telling him how much more money he will get if he promotes the classic line up for the next album cycle and he will change his tune
Firstly I agree that it was a good move by Rob as simply stated by others, when you're heart isn't it then why stay.

Secondly I am 50/50 on the whole Dan thing. Part of me says yes but part of me also thinks he'll come in for one album, and regardless how good it is then I think old issues will resurface and then that's it - he'll leave (family commitments, etc). Got nothing personal against the man, sure he is a bit eccentric in his nature but I am not sure he is really what the band needs long term - then again I think we might get that `proper' followup to POT after all. Worship Music was half way there in doing that.

I mentioned long term previously and that brings up the question - how many more albums are left in this band seriously? 1 ... maybe 2 possibly. That's not a question of their undoubted talent but rather their knack of consistently pushing shit uphill throughout their career since the 90s.
A good source says it was about money. He simply makes more cash producing records than playing 100 years old songs on tour.
Rob's guitar playing sucked shit. His solos were choppy and cheap while playing classic songs that Dan would have played.

If Dan Spitz does not come back, I will denounce and never listen to Anthrax again :hahamiddlefinger:
Have fun then.
Red Lamb proves Dan Spitz doesn't have "it" anymore.
I don't think he ever had "it". Rob leaving is proof that the lead guitarist never did any writing in Anthrax just as much as Red Lamb is. Think about that. For better or for worse, Scott and Chuck will come up with the majority of the material just as they always have. I'm just glad that this is less of the image of Dan Spitz to be forced upon me.
LOL x 1,000 major denial guys. 85% of every Anthrax set-list is Dan Spitz era and would never exist if it weren't for Dan Spitz. And what's to say Anthrax would have been what they are without Dan's unique style.

I'm not denying Dan's solo venture is crap, there are plenty of musicians who left a great popular band and went the same direction as Dan and the music sucked. That does not mean they are shitty musicians.
So what you're saying is Dan wrote all of the material from Fistful to SOWN?

Since you said it never would of existed without him.

hahahah, fuck Charlie and Scott

Would you like to say your honest opinion about the "Greater of Two Evils" album which includes re-makings of your classic songs?

If you'll give me a lighter, I'll burn it in front of you, how about that? I spit on it. I call it a last chance effort to do something to be honest and brutal, I'm not gonna sugarcoat stuff. To me it's a cover band doing songs that I wrote
He thought he had it made
How could it end this way

Are you singing a shitty megadeth song?

That would be The Doctor's calling

Ol shit..
They can say what they want..but let us remember guys time change..Anything can happen.
We thought Rob would stay on...but hell..he leaves..
What will happen to the rest of ANTHRAX?? Time will tell time will tell..
We all know how things run in the camp..its all about not being consistent.
I mentioned long term previously and that brings up the question - how many more albums are left in this band seriously? 1 ... maybe 2 possibly.

Unfortunately I have thought about this too and hopefully its not even on the horizon.

I will seriously be depressed if/when the band decides to fold.