Former ANTHRAX Guitarist ROB CAGGIANO: 'My Heart Simply Wasn't In It Anymore'

Now I’m trying to figure out, did Rob take the spot Hank Shermann was filling on tour? Not a Volbeat fan, but I thought it was cool that Hank was out there playing, he deserves to be seen and heard. Kinda like trading down putting Rob in there.

That said, I bet the crowds, budget, pay, and atmosphere is just going to be several steps up from what Rob is used to. Good for him.
I don't get a sinking feeling about the band. The bottom line is Scott & Charlie have always been and will always continue to be the chief song writers of Anthrax, he just wanted to be more involved creatively. That combined with the fact that Anthrax puts out an album about every 6 years (if we're lucky) and the guys in Volbeat being closer in age to Rob --- makes me not at all worried.
Anthrax is playing Vegas in like a month, wonder who the heck is going to play guitar ??

Edit: Nevermind, I see Shadows Fall. Not a fan of that band. Looks like I won't see Anthrax then
I've seen Anthrax over 15 times, give me a good reason why I should see them with a temp fill in guitarist and play the same songs they always play?
I don't know, you stated you weren't going to see them because of who is filling in and the band he's from.
Imagine Rocky George playing lead for Anthrax.
I don't really care for Volbeat, saw them three years ago on Sonisphere and was like, two songs are OK. I almost thought Hank Shermann would be the permanent guitarist.
Charlie speaks on Rob

It was a bit of a surprise to me. I was bummed. He said that he wanted to pursue more producing options, and that was his reason for leaving. He had other reasons, so I guess it was something that he’d been thinking about for a while. He wanted to get back to producing and getting off the road. And you’re probably going to tell me, ‘well you do know he joined another band, right?’ That makes it a bit confusing. I know a lot of our fans were sad to see him go, but were like ‘if you want to go produce, we understand that.’ But when you read that he went to go join another band, that makes it seem a bit sketchy.
Rocky was excellent in Suicidal, but to be honest I don't see him being a good fit for Anthrax. Rocky's style is too all over the place for Anthrax, despite Anthrax being one of the more loose Thrash bands out there. For Suicidal he was perfect.