Forming a band, getting word out about my music


The Unholy Thpoo
Dec 19, 2002
(UC)Santa Barbara, CA
OK, so Santa Barbara blows for metal. I've been looking for people to jam with, Opeth or early In Flames/Gothenburg style, and nobody's around. Ideally, I want to form a band to play my music. Posting here is sort of a last ditch effort. My favorite bands are Opeth, Pink Floyd, and In Flames (The Jester Race and older, though), so those are my main influences. Check it out here:

In Flames (The Jester Race and older, though)

so what you're saying is that you like only 3 in flames albums?..thats dumb..whats wrong with their newer stuff?

anyway..i'd be a vocalist for your band but you live kinda far ;)
Well, I think the only thing that really separed In Flames from other bands at the same time was their folk element, hugely present on Lunar Strain, and perfected on TJR. Then they really lost that for some reason. Colony has some good riffage, but it never stood out for Anders' voice started to suck for some reason. Clayman was better in terms of coherent songwriting and catchy melodies, but it no longer seemed like the In Flames of felt like they were a different band. Plus all the effects on the vocals (doubling, the whispers, etc...) kind of killed it for me...they started getting whiny. RTR and STYE are just completely different from their roots. Find me a single folk element in either of those albums. Anders' voice sounds too much like Jon Davis from Korn, and the dual guitar harmony stuff has degenerated with wall-of-sound power-chord chuggery.

"...thats dumb..." Well no, it would be dumb if they had a consistent sound and I hated their newer stuff for no reason. In Flames has sounded way different since Colony. Just my take on things.

(Wow, that was a long post)
I agree.
I still think In Flames rocks though, saw them live in Stockholm last summer and are planning to see them this summer again, but you're right, their old stuff are SO much better.
They sound very different right now from then and I loved the guitarr far more before than I do now, it was like their thing (at least I saw it that way) and now it's just like any band out there.

But Anders is still the man so I haven't given up on them just yet. ;)
I love all of In Flames stuff...sure, their newer stuff sounds different, but that's musical evolution. I don't write the same way I did back when I was seventeen...I get flamed all the time for liking their new stuff, but that's just how it is.

And your stuff sounds good definitely have some talent. But I guarantee you will be writing differently in 10 years if you are still playing, especially if you start playing with other's all a progressional output of your growth and influences as time goes my opinion.

I never said it wasn't evolution, I'm just saying I don't like it :) And I'm sure I will sound very different in 10 years as well. The thing, take Opeth for example. They've been around since '89 or so, and look at their roots, and where they are now. They've kept the root elements of their sound the entire time. Yes, they've changed, and pretty significantly....but at the core, they're still the same band. I don't think you can say that about In Flames. In my opinion, they should do the "At The Gates" thing and rename themselves to avoid confusion. Then RTR or Clayman could be their debut, and all the newer fans won't be confused when they compare Lunar Strain to STYE. ;)
Good points...but I guess a band is going to go through whatever they go through in their own way...I wouldn't know because I've never been in a popular band, but I can imagine the dynamics are different with each group of musicians...and maybe renaming their band just wasn't something they wanted to do...they seem to be having fun writing and playing their latest stuff...that's good enough for me...I just try not to get caught up in comparing their new material to their old material...

but I do see the point you are trying to make...
Yeah, I wasn't really being serious about them renaming themselves...heheh. Of course, whenever people talk about In Flames nowadays, "selling out" always comes up. In my very humble opinion, it doesn't really matter. Of course it lowers my outlook on a band if I think they've sold out, and changed their sound to make more money...but you know, I didn't stop listening to Metallica because they sold out, I stopped listening to them because I can't stand their music now. Same with In Flames...even if they sold out, if they still produced good music, I would be like "Well, that kind of sucks, but hey, everybody wants money, and after 10 years in the underground barely breaking even, some mainstream success is nice." I totally understand underground bands' desire to break through, for whatever reason. But as soon as the band heavily sacrifices their sound, well, that's when I stop listening.

Also, thanks for not starting a shit-storm. For some reason, people tend to get really riled up about the whole In Flames new against old thing. People get so hardcore about "selling out" and on their forum here, some guy was literally like.. "In Flames are the gayest band". I really hate shit like that. It's just music people, no need to crusade about it.
I completely agree with you...I don't listen to Metallica's new album because I don't like the way it sounds...and that's the only reason why. And all the shitstorms that get started, it's just laughable. I get flamed all the time for liking the new In Flames stuff...and people get rabid towards me and tell me I'm stupid and they are gay and they suck and this and that and the other thing...I just shrug it off. I come here to meet cool people who like metal in general...

Unfortunately, a lot of people can't state their opinions in a rational way and actually intelligently explain their they get nasty and attack...

You made some really good points, and I have to agree with you - if the music moves me, I really don't care if someone has sold out or not - that's on them, not me...

Good luck in your writing and band some more samples as you progress...I'll give it a listen...