forum apartheid

Bambi said:
Did anyone here used to go running to the teacher when the other kids picked on them??


a perfect starting point for "sides" to form isn't it?
french_anatheman said:
I think we all agree with you Duncan.
I don't like being called a "bitch" or a "kunt" everytime i post.

then stopping dissing christians in your sig, bitch

sauce for the goose=sauce for the gander :tickled:
Bambi said:
so your rules shouldnt apply to you? i though as much...
Well, i don't bash on people believing in God, i blame religion as a whole for what it can cause.
I'll take it off but what can i do with people unable to tolerate other people's opinion heh?!
I'm tired of justifying myself. Some people here do worse and never explain
Bambi said:
you wish whinyboy
stand on yer own two feet! shut up!

thanks for illustrating my point (to show my good intentions I didn't post a smilie here)
french_anatheman said:
Well, i don't bash on people believing in God, i blame religion as a whole for what it can cause.
I'll take it off but what can i do with people unable to tolerate other people's opinion heh?!
I'm tired of justifying myself. Some people here do worse and never explain

just poinitng out the whiny flaws in your argument, you should read the bit in the bible about taking wotsits out of other people eyes while casting the first stone :Smug:
Bambi said:
just poinitng out the whiny flaws in your argument, you should read the bit in the bible about taking wotsits out of other people eyes while casting the first stone :Smug:
I've read parts of this Bible, but with no interest and no conviction, and i'm not casting the stone, i'd just like people to let me express my opinion. With no violence, with no disrespect, with no pretention. I want PEACE.I'm probably asking too much
Hm, one doesn't have to react to everything. At the same time, it's alright as long as people say stuff to each other they'd also say to their faces. Hollywood is elsewhere.
my dying groom said:
Hm, one doesn't have to react to everything. At the same time, it's alright as long as people say stuff to each other they'd also say to their faces. Hollywood is elsewhere.
I think that most of the negative things that are said here is e-bullshit. But still
Alwin said:
yes, how unreasonable is that when you post a very rude and insulting thread about someone who does not post here anymore? if you have troubles with her, fine, but you can say it in a less degrading manner

you've always got it for me dont ya? well mate, ever since you insulted my family ( my dads wife) you'll always be a wanker on this 'side' of the pond. the fact that little girls go around telling certain individuals 'to watch out for this guy and ban him etc' from the safety of their pms makes them right piss pots, whats their fucking problem and who do they think they are? some groupie that follows guys with long hair around, hoping to boost their status? hoping to fall in love? how insecure....

ive had numerous insults here, do i cry and whinge about it? ok yea ive reported them, was anything done? nah, sure its a little clique aint it? well fuck ye and yer cliques, maybe its cos someone is doing someone favours, they get special treatment... ill scratch your back if you scratch mine eh

so, i could get you banned for insulting my family, but then again, maybe id need to do favours or wear a fucking black cape to succeed perhaps, whatever i aint gonna cry about

so go now little woman, dont step on this side, whatever you do mate ;)