Forum Members Poster for ProgPower VIII

Here's my smiling mug...


I've met you the past two years at the Residence front desk... but I always forget your name :mad:. I have a face made for radio, so I shall stay off this poster.

This is my girlfriend Marina and I with Khan after Kamelot's performance at Jaxx Aug. 17. We'll both be at ProgPower for the first time this year, and both very excited.

I decided that this was a more dynamic picture of me than some arbitrary shot of me smiling at some random place. This is me throwing massive amounts of claw at a family get together. :rock:
This is my girlfriend Marina and I with Khan after Kamelot's performance at Jaxx Aug. 17. We'll both be at ProgPower for the first time this year, and both very excited. don't look like a zergling..... :lol:

I decided that this was a more dynamic picture of me than some arbitrary shot of me smiling at some random place. This is me throwing massive amounts of claw at a family get together. :rock:

Is that an Orphaned Land t-shirt, or the sacred Lykathea Aflame t-shirt? Either way, excellent choice. :kickass:
Just a reminder, I would like September 15 to be the final day for sending/posting photos. That gives everyone a little over two weeks to get them to me and the same amount of time for me to put it all together. :kickass:

Oh, and it would be "nice" though not necessary if you put a portion of your name in the photo title. You wouldn't believe how many photos were named something like, pppic, ppphoto, ppme or just a random string of numbers. All is well, I changed them, but it would be a little easier if I didn't have to. Thanks! :D
Here's me with Derek Wieland from TSO West during last year's tour. (He actually inspired me to get off my lazy butt and start practicing my piano again).

Thanks to AMBR for putting this together again! (I just wish I was smart enough to NOT post this photo in a larger-than-life format...) :ill:

Amber.....I've not read all the pages of this thread, but at the start of it you had mentioned that you had all of last years on a disc. Were you able to find said disc, and if so are you able to pull some pics from that? There was one of Crew, MrBuzzcut and myself. And then TheWhisper, Dtfanatic and myself. If you can't I'll hunt them down, or others and get to you asap.

Thanks for doing this again for us! :cool:
Yep, I have it, but if you give the names, it will be that much easier to find the photos. One way or the other, I will find them, lol....