Forum Members Poster - Give us you photo!

That boB fella getting some ear:

Here is a recent picture of me from last weekend.

With me is Georgina. She's not on the forum (yet) but will be coming to ProgPower with me this year. Its her first ever ProgPower. She's a big tme metalhead and its her birthday week. In fact, the festival is my birthday present to her.

So feel free to wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY at the fest.

Shit, that ain't my guitar. That's a pic from when I drove to Chicago with my lead guitarist to get him to buy a $3000 H&K TriAmp MkII. It's the only 7-string they had in the store.

Don't get me wrong. They're nice guitars, but I don't care for EB/MMs. I prefer my Ibanez 7's.

Like this one: