Poster, Poster! It's time to make the Forum Poster! Deadline is Aug. 31


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
It's that time again, folks. Time to post your photo for the ProgPower Forum Members poster. :hotjump:

For those who don't know, for the past several years we've had a poster hanging at the venue that has photos and names of the forum members. It's a good way to put faces to the names you've been talking to, bitching at, chatting up in the forum all year. It's also damn fun. Here is last years edition:


All you have to do to be part of the fun is post your photo here. Here are a few guidelines that will make it easier:

1. Please put your name on the photo.


If you can't do it NO WORRIES! Submit your photo anyway and I will do it. Would just prefer not to do them ALL.

2. Please give your photo a name that includes your nick. Photos named, me_prog_power, and DSC2345jlk3890 are confusing and I have to rename them.

3. Larger photos are better. I do resize and adjust each photo that needs it, but 2"x2" photos at 72dpi just don't blow up well and get lost on the poster.

These are just suggestions to make you look your best and my job a little easier. EVERYONE will be included even if they don't follow these little suggestions.

So get your photo up NOW!!! :rock:
How do I upload a pic??

When posting a reply, click the yellow icon that says "Insert Image". You will first have to upload your photo online somewhere so that it has a URL. Many utilize photobucket because it's free.

How do I upload a pic??

You need to post it somewhere on the web, like Facebook, Photobucket, Flickr etc. All these are free. Once you put it there, right click the photo and an elements box will appear. Copy the location address.


Hit reply in this thread, and click that little picture icon at the top of the reply box. Paste the addy there.
Is that easy to understand?

(Jen beat me ;) )
Oppps, I think I need to do something else. I posted the link, then the link appeared? what little picture icon, is that different from the 'insert image' icon??
Oppps, I think I need to do something else. I posted the link, then the link appeared? what little picture icon, is that different from the 'insert image' icon??
Maybe you copied the address not the location link? No matter, is this the photo? I just snagged it from your link.

Greattt, that is me:). Thanks a bunch!!! Name is Max AKA templeofmax. Please do not ask me to put it on the photo...LOL!!!
Thank you, Ann Marie for creating the poster again this year! You're very appreciated, and in my opinion, the annual poster is a great example of what separates ProgPower from other festivals.

Here's one of our wedding day shots..


Everyone is welcome. I enjoy doing it for you all. It also helps me with my terrible name/face recognition issue, :blush: :dopey:

I will also be including a photo of Dave, The Metal Guy, who passed away this year, and Greg Allard who died in a car accident on his way home from ProgPower last year. If there is anyone else from our PP family who we've lost (hope not!) please let me know.

I decided not to include Dio or any other artists. I feel this poster should be for ProgPower attendees and I didn't want to start determining which artists should or should not be remembered. It could get complicated. Midnight was on last year because, of course, he played at ProgPower.

Fabulous photo, Jen. Your wedding photos were just terrific!

(All done, Max ;) )