found my first recording today

Apr 18, 2008
reminds me how bad i really was when listening to what i can do today...i though it was good then..

no samples all tracked live... then solo's overdubbed along with the vocals....
into a lexicon omega in my old apartments living room like 5 years ago...funny rushing takes before the cops showed up... 2 mics on drums 2 on guitars and bass was dI
Ah i love listning to my old recordings, Show us what Youve done in 5 years! got sumthin new?

click my soundclick link just recently worked with the the breathing process soar/ferrett and did a mixtape collab joint with weeyz aka lilwayne $$$$$$ tbp's coming back for most of june to demo out 10 songs for there new cd and cristen my newly constructed studio the right way with some evil fucking shit .......
Haha cool :D I love first recordings, they're so fun to listen to.

I just dug up my first solo project "recording", oh my god, it's awful :D I was heavily inspired by Fear Factory back then so I just had to try make something similiar to them, and I'm glad I did, because when I listen to it now I realize I've "grown" past that and it just feels silly :p Tech Template.mp3

Horrible sound... single guitar, in center. Haha!
I'll see if I can track some of mine down - it was a Fostex digital 8-track that was uploaded track by track, then lined up and "mixed" in Cool Edit Pro. I had to print the reverb to everything since my CPU couldn't handle it in real time :lol:

On a related note, I found the cassette tape of my first EVER band jam session yesterday. The setlist included such classics as "No One Like You", "Youth Gone Wild", "Alone Again", and "Radar Love". Ah, to be 14 again!!!
I need to search my first "demo"-laying somewhere at my parent's house.
Just wrote some really fucking bad drums in Guitar Pro, exported it as .wav.
Recorded guitar (yeah, just one track because my guitar tracks
were completely improvised and I wasn't able to remember it :D sounded like old CC)
through my POD (first version) into the crappy onboard soundcard.
Recorded my vocals with the karaoke mic from my aunt that she bought 20 years ago.
"Mixed" the whole thing in Cool Edit Pro.
I was 12 back then, all I know is that everything sucked but my vocals weren't that bad.
All in all it sounded like a bad Brodequin copy.
I'm NEVER posting my first recording here haha.

It just sounds way way way way WAYY too awful
Sadly all of mine were lost in a hard drive failure - for the best though, I'd say! :D

most of mine were lost on hd' failures like 75 percent of my first works

most impt things i learned in 5 years back things up in 2's on differnet drives the more the better will save your ass..............................