Recording my album


Mar 22, 2006
alright chaps as you may or may not know

i've been tracking my band Without Thoughts album at work and just thought i'd share some set up geekage and photos with you; everything other than vocals is now tracked so i gots me some nice setup photos and signal paths to share with you. samples are coming veeeeery soon

Drum kit

Drum kit is a DW collecters editions with evans eq3 on kick, genera coated on toms and snare

Kick - Shure Beta 52 - Chandler Tg2
Snare - Neuman kms 105 - Chandler Tg2 - 1176 Line Driver
Hats - Rode Nt 1 - Chandler Tg2
Ride - Shure Beta 58 - Chandler tg 2
Toms - Shure sm 57s - Millenia media hv 3d
OH - Royer r121 (back side) - Universal Audio 2 610
Room - AT 4050 (omni) - Millenia media hv 3d

Bass cab

Bass was a Fender jazz - Marshall VBA 400 - Ampeg 8x10

Beta 52 - Tg 2
D12 - tg2

Guitar cab



Guitars were an sg with a seymour duncan jb and a fender tele - Dual rectifier and 5150

57 - ua 2 610
121 - ua 2 610

hope you enjoyed this guided geeek tour clips coming soon

sure dood,
the kms is such a loud mic that you gotta have the pre really low so it doesnt clip, so i use it to boost the level and well... because it sounds good!
broken81 said:
that room looks like it sounds nice for drums :kickass:

it does indeedy... but only if the drummer can play/hits the things.
if you've got a pansy drummer the room can sound way way too dry