Finished my first ever band session

Sep 16, 2004

Been making demos of my own projects for years on shit equipment and just steped up to a pc system. This is my first band, done in my living room. I did 4 songs for free just for the experience.

Some of these guys are still in highschool.

I know the Berhinger stff get a lot of shit but it’s all I can afford, so I tried to makle due with what I could. The band’s happy, the’ve recorded 2 other demos elsewhere and the guy just made fun of them and butchered the sessions


My gear: PC with SONAR, EMU 4040, Firepod, CAD drum mic pack, Shure sm57, Shure BG2.0. and a couple El-cheap-ass Berhinger and Radio shack mics

Drums: CAD Kick and tom mics + radioshack mic on the snare> Yorkville AP1216 > ADAT
OH's: Beringer C2's > Yorkville AP1216 > ADAT

My Firepod broke a week after i got it, so i did the drums into my ADAT and a buddy recorded them into SONAR with his MOTU.

Replaced the kick and snare with Andy’s samples, I love Andy’s kick sample, but I replaced the snare cuz the kid was inconsistent. The toms are so high pitched that no amount od eq could even change the sound. The 16” FT was tuned higher than the 10” rack- tom! I couln’t even tell until the drums were finished and dumped into the pc!
I tried to replace them too but I couldn’t get them to trigger properly.

Guitars: ESP > JSX > fender 4x12 w/Celestions (don't know witch ones)
SM57 off axis on one speaker, Beringer C2 straight in the middle of another speaker. Into the Berhinger Ultralink > EMU 4040.

2 traks of guitars. 57’s panned hard L+R for the main sound then I brought up the C2’s (panned 85% L+R) to add a little more presence.

Bass: SM57 + Direct > Ultralink > EMU 4040

I had a hard time with this one because wheever he fretted a note with his index finger he pulled it sharp. Plus it was his first recording session and he was nervous as hell. I kept telling him to calm down and not worry but he was still too jittery and kept messing up. It’s not as in tune as id like to be either

Vox : CAD kick drum mic + Berhinger XM8500 > Firepod

My buddy was having a hard time tracking his vox for his band. He told me that the SM58’s diaphram would start to crackle fromn the SPL of his screaming. So in my project I tried using my kick mic cuz of the higher SPL. Then I punched in some screams a week later with my cheap Beringer 58 knok off, and I can’t hear the difference in the mics. I should have just used the 57.

I tried to master it myself, (bad Idea) but they like the sound. I found out how the mix can change with even subtle EQ adjustments. I’m not gonna master myself anymore because I think id would be better to have a mastering engineer who has fresh ears ( and knows what he’s doing!)

Thanks to all who post advice on this board!
Sounds pretty good, but the vocals are too loud and overheads are too low. I don't really care for the guitar sound, but that's probably more of a taste issue.