Ozzy and Zakk split up D:


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2008
Minnesota, US
Damn dude..



Ozzy Osbourne has revealed in a recent interview with Classic Rock Magazine that he has, for the time being, parted ways with guitarist Zakk Wylde in order to pursue a new guitarist and a new sound.
"Well, I’m getting a new guitar player as we speak and everyone has been saying to me for a long time, ‘Get Johnny 5 (the guitarist best known for his work with Marylyn Manson and Rob Zombie)’," says Osbourne. "I tried him at one time and I didn’t really give him a chance. We’ll see, I don’t know. I haven’t fallen out with Zakk, but Zakk’s got his own band, and I felt like my stuff was beginning to sound like Black Label Society. I just felt like I wanted a change, y’know?"
"I’ve got a guy from Greece coming in – not the musical, the country of Greece – but I’m not going to say too much about it, cos I don’t know myself at this point," he adds. "I’ve got a new album, I’m working on it as we speak. I’ve got a studio at my house and I’ve got a guy called Kevin Churko, the guy that [produced] the last album – he’s great to work with."
Whether this marks the end of Wylde’s career with Osbourne is still up in the air. After all, this isn’t the first time the singer has worked with other guitarists since hiring Wylde in 1987. Ozzy has also made it very clear in the interview that there were no hard feelings between the two and that he just wants to try something different. But what about the material Zakk has already recorded for Ozzy’s upcoming album?
"Oh yeah. Zakk came down and did a bunch of stuff and I don’t know if I want to use it but I’ve got it there if I do," Osbourne says. "And this Kevin Churko is a bit of an all-rounder so I’m getting back to basics in some respects. One thing about a guy who can’t do all the finger-tapping stuff is that he plays better on the riffs cos it’s not all [hums riff for Iron Man followed by over-the-top widdling]."
Even though his work with Ozzy Osbourne may have been cut short, Wylde will still remain busy as his band Black Label Society is about to embark on their "Pedal To The Metal Tour 2009" which will hit cities all across the United States later this month and into September. The full list of dates can be seen at the band’s website. The band is also said to be working on a follow-up to 2006’s "Shot To Hell."
Zakk was better on No More Tears and No Rest for the Wicked. The new stuff is pretty much just BLS with Ozzy singing over. Which is nice but not good enough.

I can't really take Ozzy's singing seriously at this point. The last record he sounded good on was Ozzmosism, which was actually a really well written record in my opinion.
Very unexpected, but I can see why he feels that way. However, I would rather have Ozzy sounding like BLS than having him sound all "generic late 90s alt rock" (Down To Earth)
Ozzy never told Zakk about it though, Zakk's twitter account response:

I’m doing Blizzcon with him in August and supposed to finish up the cd in September….this is news to me about 4 hours ago from web

I haven’t heard anything about this. Until I talk to the Boss I don’t know. I love Ozzy.about 4 hours ago from web
Zakk was better on No More Tears and No Rest for the Wicked. The new stuff is pretty much just BLS with Ozzy singing over. Which is nice but not good enough.

I can't really take Ozzy's singing seriously at this point. The last record he sounded good on was Ozzmosism, which was actually a really well written record in my opinion.

I completely agree with you..
Zakk used to be f-ing great back in the day.. i mean, did you hear his demotape to Ozzy? Its awesome as hell, but now days its just mindless pentatonic wankery with loads of chorus and wah.. and lets not forget the harmonics! Yeah, they sound cool, but what happened to less is more? :lol:

And a big reason why Ozzy sucks live now days probably has to do with him not being used to sing Crazy Train in B-tuning! :erk:

Well, the dream scenario right now would be a Jake E. Lee comeback.
What I find interesting is how so many folks think that the personnel actually dictate the direction of Ozzy records. Doesn't anyone remember when they re-did Ozzmosis so it would sound like soundgarden?

Michael Wangener:
Well, after the success of No More Tears, the label came to me in 1994 and asked me to do the next album. They wanted "Exactly the same record as No More Tears". We completed 7 songs (pre production to mix) and then the label came and said: "Now we want it to sound like Soundgarden". As you can imagine, if you start a project with a firm direction, it's not easy to change to a completely different diection half way through, especially after the songs are already mixed.

The project was put on hold and later given to another producer to finish/redo. The result turned into Ozzmosis. They re-did most of the recording, and on the tracks they kept, they triggered drumsamples, slowed them down (like on Perry Mason) etc. When I first heard the finished product I was ready to get out of the business (and apparently so was Ozzy, as he told me). Later the record got re-released with a bonus track (Aimee) which was one of the original songs I produced and mixed.
I promise that the "stripped down" more "Zakk" sound was a calculated decision made in a board room.
I love Zakk, but I can't say any newer Ozzy has REALLY interested me. +1 for bringing back Jake E. Lee! The Ultimate Sin is such a killer album!
Ozzy's still alive? lol. He should just keep Zakk while he can... with how his health is deteriorating, him and Randy can jam again soon. :Spin:

flame on.
Me also, first person that came to mind was Gus. Im sure its him, we will all have to wait and see
the greek guy will be for sure Gus G.

that would be awesome..I always wondered why veterans like Ozzy and Dio don't recruit a young metal euro wizard to write there newset albums..

A guy like Gus G seems more in tune with what Ozzy should be doing that any American guitarist