far cry? i thought it didnt live up to the hype...

halo 2
ghost recon 2
brothers in arms: earned in blood (just beat it)
battlefield 2 (i reccomend buying this)

my favorites
OfManAndMetal said:
far cry? i thought it didnt live up to the hype...

battlefield 2 (i reccomend buying this)
That was the general opinion, I still play it, I think it's awesome
btw, I rarely buy games, I download em
Half Life 1 is still my favorite but FEAR is damn good too. Half Life 2 and Far Cry are up there as well. I'm still amazed at how good Far Cry looks considering it came out in early 2004. O and you can't wrong with with Painkiller or Serious Sam II for mindlessly killing stuff.
deathstrike from hell said:
lol. you guys must have super pc's. the minimum spec requirements to even run fear are huge
I don't have it on my pc. I played it at a freinds house, my pc can't handle it. But the specs aren't that high for that game
I still play Doom 1 and 2. They were well designed (despite the fact I wasn't even born when they came out). Doom 3 is a good game, but it unfournetly doesn't work on my computer very well though.

Console FPSs... I'd have to go with Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (for it's online) and... Medal of Honor (the first one for PS1) because it was that cool.
I know a little boy that played doom 3 when he was like 5 years old, that's sick. I don't understand that his parents didn't stop him. Of course he had nightmares for like 3 monthes after that, but that's his own fault