Halo 3...

Yes actually. My entire life, motion sickness has been a problem. Even on a docked gambling boat, I can feel the boat moving and get mildly sick. Hell, I remember getting motion sick on a water bed. hahaha. It's brutal for me. Whenever I travel, by plane, or long automobile ride, I use Dramamine. I just don't want to have to take Dramamine to play a video game. I'm still stunned by this, and have been reading more and more about it. For some reason, this game makes your mind think you're in motion.

Does it affect you during a show while headbanging? Or is that a completely different thing? Weird story..
Oblivion rules. Mass Effect owns. I waited 8 months for that game, I'm a little disappointed with some stuff, but it has the best story I've ever seen in a video game.

Nice, I haven't even played that one yet. I actually got the fucking RED RING OF DEATH for the second time and I am ready to throw the fucking thing out the windo lol! I can't play any new games untill I send the Machine back to Microsoft I guess it takes 3 weeks.

Any other RROD's going on here?
I got Assassin's Creed this weekend for the 360, it's one of the most amazing games I've played. Anyone else got this one?

ya fucking incredible game. I was thinking it was going to be like splinter cell, but i couldnt have been more wrong. The way your character moves is not at all clumsy and every move feels deliberate. the stealth is an integral part of the game rather than a gimmick. even though i <3 splinter cell.
I'm not so keen on it, I can't stop playing CoD 4.. and Guitar Hero 3, which gives me motion sickness funny enough!!

I love Assassins Creed, but I'm 7 assassination missions in, and I'm finding this game to be very repetitive.

COD4 is a great game, but I like Rainbow 6 Vegas better. The lack of Duck and Cover in COD4 is just lame. It's too easy to run and gun, and I tend to like the tactical games better.
I love Assassins Creed, but I'm 7 assassination missions in, and I'm finding this game to be very repetitive.

COD4 is a great game, but I like Rainbow 6 Vegas better. The lack of Duck and Cover in COD4 is just lame. It's too easy to run and gun, and I tend to like the tactical games better.
I'm not very far in assassins creed, maybe if I play it more it will stick.. I'm trying to do CoD4 on veteran, some of that stuff is impossible! It's still the best fps in my opinion.. I just started playing gears of war like an hour ago, and it's pretty good! There's arguments about Halo 3 vs Gears of war.. what are your opinions?

Also Kane and Lynch isn't very good.. I don't like the gameplay- but that's just my opinion.