Halo 3...

Assassin's Creed does get repetitive, but you gotta love the different ways your character kills people. I personally like using the short blade in combat. There is one combo kill where he stabs the guy in the foot, then brings the blade up and slits his throat for the kill. You just can't get better than that man.

Rainbow Six Vegas has got to be the best shooter game I've played. The duck and cover in that game is just amazing. Paul and I have had alot of sleepless nights playing co-op terrorist hunt with that game, it just rules.

I'm waiting for Terminator 4 Salvation to come out. I really hope it isn't lame like the Terminator 3 game they made for PS2. Terminator Redemption was a bad ass game for PS2 though.
I love Assassins Creed, but I'm 7 assassination missions in, and I'm finding this game to be very repetitive.

COD4 is a great game, but I like Rainbow 6 Vegas better. The lack of Duck and Cover in COD4 is just lame. It's too easy to run and gun, and I tend to like the tactical games better.

I thought I was the only person on the planet that still prefers R6 Vegas over CoD4. Vegas 2 is coming out soon, can't wait!
I'm heavily involved in Mass Effect right now. that game FUCKING RULES!!!

After that's done, I have a bunch of games that I ened to get to: Assassian's Creed, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, and Jade Empire (original Xbox game made by the company that did Mass Effect)
I'm heavily involved in Mass Effect right now. that game FUCKING RULES!!!

After that's done, I have a bunch of games that I ened to get to: Assassian's Creed, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, and Jade Empire (original Xbox game made by the company that did Mass Effect)

Mass Effect = Mass ownage, that game rules! Jade empire was also very good, you should enjoy it if you like ME. Bioshock is amazing, I'm sure you've heard, make sure to get that one. If you want my advice I would say don't waste your money on Assassin's Creed. :Smug:
Mass Effect = Mass ownage, that game rules! Jade empire was also very good, you should enjoy it if you like ME. Bioshock is amazing, I'm sure you've heard, make sure to get that one. If you want my advice I would say don't waste your money on Assassin's Creed. :Smug:

Bioshock was indeed good, but I beat it in about 3 days. If it had online play, it would have longevity, but it's too quick.

And I beg to differ. Assassin's Creed is a GREAT game!

All I know is... March 2nd. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2. You won't see me post for about 2 weeks after that comes out.
Bioshock was indeed good, but I beat it in about 3 days. If it had online play, it would have longevity, but it's too quick.

And I beg to differ. Assassin's Creed is a GREAT game!

All I know is... March 2nd. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2. You won't see me post for about 2 weeks after that comes out.

Is it coming out that soon? We should do some co-op killings when it comes out. :kickass:
With the PS3 Version i have noticed the game to completely freeze up randomly. I thought the game was interesting, but the only problem was it was repetitive. You went to the cities and throughout the game you do the same thing over again.

But still i like the concept.