HALO 3 -- the official PP Geek Thread


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
So is anyone else as completely jazzed up for this release as I am???

Being a proud part of the Atari generation, I've always been a video gamer. Over the years, I've probably owned just about every console system known to man. Even though I don't game nearly as enthusiastically as I did in my earlier years, HALO is a game that has led me down the dark path back to video game addiction.

Indeed so great is my HALO addiction that my basement contains 8 TVs and 6 X-Boxes ... all linked together in separate rooms for the purposes of mass annihilation twice a month when my friends descend upon my home for an evening of HALO destruction.

So after nearly a year of waiting for HALO 3 ... they decide to release it on September 25 ... one day AFTER my EDGUY show that I am hosting! Since I will be spending the evening hosting one of my favorite metal bands of all time, I will undoubtedly not be able to pick it up at midnight, rather I will have to pick it up in the morning and stand in line with all the day-walkers.

Oh fortune ... how you mock me!
Indeed so great is my HALO addiction that my basement contains 8 TVs and 6 X-Boxes ... all linked together in separate rooms for the purposes of mass annihilation twice a month when my friends descend upon my home for an evening of HALO destruction.

Thats fucking ridiculous :kickass::kickass:

I've never had more fun playing a game then Halo 2 over Xbox Live with friends. Those were hilarious times, can't wait for September 25th :{ :zombie:
So is anyone else as completely jazzed up for this release as I am???

Being a proud part of the Atari generation, I've always been a video gamer. Over the years, I've probably owned just about every console system known to man. Even though I don't game nearly as enthusiastically as I did in my earlier years, HALO is a game that has led me down the dark path back to video game addiction.

Indeed so great is my HALO addiction that my basement contains 8 TVs and 6 X-Boxes ... all linked together in separate rooms for the purposes of mass annihilation twice a month when my friends descend upon my home for an evening of HALO destruction.

So after nearly a year of waiting for HALO 3 ... they decide to release it on September 25 ... one day AFTER my EDGUY show that I am hosting! Since I will be spending the evening hosting one of my favorite metal bands of all time, I will undoubtedly not be able to pick it up at midnight, rather I will have to pick it up in the morning and stand in line with all the day-walkers.

Oh fortune ... how you mock me!

Sword.................I also am a huge gamer who grew up in the atari world. I have had almost every console with maybe the exception of the Neo Geo and Jaguar. I have in my house right now a, NES, SUPER NES, NES 64, VIRTUAL BOY,GAMEBOY,NINTENDO DS,GAMECUBE, PSP, PS1,PS2,PS3,Genesis(with the cd attachment), DREAMCAST,xbox,xbox360,wii, and a 3DO.

Likeyou, I don't play like I used to. I must admit however that I am not an halo player. But it sound like you have an KILLER set up and it sounds like you and your buddies are in for one hell of a good time. Rock on bro. If I ever get up into your neck of the woods, I would love to see this set up. You got it going your way brother, hosting edguy, killer game set up, oh yeah and movie theaters to boot. You are my hero. :lol:

Let me know if you ever play Ghost Recon or something like that, I would like to get in.

Sorry, not trying to highjack the thread......back to HALO!
We have Saturday night Halo Nights every other weekend or so. We all bring our Xboxes, our TV's, a network hub and tons of cables, and around 12 of us set up in a garage, and get drunk and blow each other the fuck up until we can't stay awake any longer.

When Halo 3 comes out, we're planning on renting a hall, and getting around 30 people to go insane.
There is nothing like a LAN party. I love xbox live, but there is nothing like hanging out under the same roof fragging the person next to you and calling it in front of him/her.. hehehe.. all in good fun. Then you got your usuall beer/food that you take in between games or just when you need a small break session.

I remember the Doom sessions back in middle school..:loco:
It all started there.. so, long story short..

Halo 3 kicks ass campain and multiplayer!!!
I used to do a bunch of Quake III and UT, and I've had some great times playing Rogue Spear.

I used to play a lot of UT.. back in the day before any of the UT2k versions came out.. My favorite server was The Late Bar..

Console controls are hard to get used to when you go from PC to console. After a while I enjoy consoles a lot more..
I suck at Halo 3.

Also playing Quakewars (some fun)

And UT:3 beta. (why call it UT3? It feels like UT2007 to me... then again I didn't play UT nor UT:2 so maybe its closer to those in some way??)
I never could do shooters on a console. The controls suck for me. I'm so much better at ASDW.

I used to do a bunch of Quake III and UT, and I've had some great times playing Rogue Spear.

It takes a bit to get used to controls, a lot of the games now allow all kinds of adjustments for inverting axises, and sensitivity settings for the controls which make things easier. Also the 360 controller is pretty much amazing, it easily the more ergonomic controller out there, it has a good weight.

You might like this one, no pedals though :(
