Framus 2x12

I've bought the Framus 4x12 used and it rocks (focused and tight)... it's a bangh for the buck in germany...

This Harley Benton really loooks like the framus but framus is 17mm plywood harley 16mm
Well, I'll have to borrow it from my brother... Not possible right now but I'll try asap.
The Framus Cabs look bad imo! Though I love mine!
Engl is build much heavier and I guess it's made in germany?
Framus is made in Asia from what I've read (???)....
Engl has much thicker wood...

Framus has thin Plywood (17mm) but I think this adds some "snappieness" and make the sound more focused...

I never A/Bed them.... my bandmate A/Bed all with a JSX in a store and said he likes the
Framus the most.... I compared the Framus to a ENGL Standard (not V30) and liked the Framus more....

and I've just talked about 4x12" ...