Framus Cobra + S-preshigh!


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
Well having being fortunate enough to get my hands on a Framus Cobra + Mesa Oversized to reamp the guitars on this band's EP I'm working on, I couldn't have been more excited. I fucked around with micing up the cab for hours and got some good, but not great tones. I tried a range of different mics, a 57, Rode NT1, SM7b, i5.... everything was great but I felt it could be better.

I then tried running the line out into s-preshigh, as per some advice I got off Ermz from the most recent mix he posted, and oh my fuck, I have never been happier with a guitar tone! The low mids that were previously a little muffled whilst micing up (no doubt due to room problems :/ ), have just become super clear and punchy, and the low end is really nice and contained, basically solved every problem I've ever had micing a cab.

I guess the purpose of this thread, is to say that if your having room issues micing your cab... get rid of the damn thing! I daresay that micing a Cab will get you better results, but if you don't have Lasse Lamert Cab micing skills... this is a great option!

So thankyou to Ermz for the idea and Carthis for the amazing impulses.

On a off topic note, those things are better than 98% of the commercial impulses on the market.

I'll have some clips up when the reamps are done, 4 tracks of 6 are done.

Updated with clips finally! Intro mp3.mp3
Looking forward to it! Tried the Cobra once in a music store and I´m not sure if I should love or hate it. Have to spend a bit more time with it someday.
It was surprisingly lower gain than I'm used to, but I guess I'm used to to a 6505 where if you have the pre gain past about 4 or 5 your nuts haha. I've got the gain on about 6-7 at the moment, and its not saturating everything to death. Weird but good :D
I agree with the honesty, I noticed mistakes whilst reamping that I did not notice at all when I was just monitoring the DI's with POD, sounds fine in the mix though, clips coming soon!
The band has absolutely no idea, they were ADAMANT about having real amps / cabs. Although they gave me Prada's Zombie EP and the color morale as a reference lol. However since I'm not Joey and am just starting to work for other people, I kind of have to sit down and shut up, say that's what I'm doing and then just do whatever sounds best!

"Ok, so do you have any albums that you really like the sound of?"
"Oh yeah! The new Prada EP is awesome, also have you heard of this band called The Color Morale? They're really underground and their album sounds amazing!"
Best way is to use a dummy load in conjunction with a Countryman Type 85. This way you can cram the actual speaker out into your interface, meaning you get the power amp involved too. Makes more of a difference than most realize. It's what tipped me over from 'that's almost passable' to 'I think I may actually be able to get away with it'.
^ That's exactly what I wanted to do, unfortunately 1 speaker out / lack of a dummy load led to me having to use the line-out. Oh well, it still sounds better than a Pod!
Hey guys

I managed to finally get a dummy load for my head, and i was just wondering what level you normally aim for from the preamp out - or does it matter? - to run through the impulse loader? Lecab in this case if they vary?

Hey tempe, i can give you the part number for a dummy load that you can get locally and pretty cheap in Perth if you want, chuck me a pm and il send you the details.


Updated the OP with a clip! I'm shaped at the moment so uploading actually took about a day haha. It's just the intro of the EP so its quite short but you still get an idea.
In hindsight, I'm not as happy as I originally was but I think its passable.
Could you upload only the guitar signal with and without the impulse?
nice man. I used my cobra with dual 57's on my bands EP spent hours on positioning, i tried this method once might have to spend some time on it.
I'm in perth and lent my cobra out a while ago which band is this?
Hey man! I actually jammed at your practice space for a couple of weeks, I'm in Statues and Skyshark lol. This was for A Shocker On Shock Street. When's your next gig out of curiosity? Would love to come and check you guys out. Also I wouldn't mess with whatever you have going for your tone on the Sensory stuff, it sounds great!
Think part of your not being quite as happy with it as you hoped is due to the lack of a real bass guitar presence.
What are you using for bass?
It was a Modulus VJ 4 string my bass, I noticed the lack of bass and bumped it up a bit, I was having some really problems with the low end that I'm still sorting out.

Bass was just through a DI into pod, using a dual tone with one tone for the high end, one for the lows.
Hey man! I actually jammed at your practice space for a couple of weeks, I'm in Statues and Skyshark lol. This was for A Shocker On Shock Street. When's your next gig out of curiosity? Would love to come and check you guys out. Also I wouldn't mess with whatever you have going for your tone on the Sensory stuff, it sounds great!

oh rad! We don't have any more gigs booked, we actually just got a 2nd guitarist, he knows most of the stuff now plus we're writing for an album. Be booking more shows in a few weeks time.
EP will finally be finished this week, PM me your email and i'll send you a copy, lemme know what you think!