Is micing the Dustcap Edge a myth (Mesa OS)?

I actually think that changing from a V30 cab to another V30 cab won't make a lot of difference. Changing amp yes of course. I think a lots of people here are getting great tones out of their amps, but if they want more smoothness/clarity (in the low mids, highs)/dynamics, unfortunately high end gear will make a big difference.
All I know is most of the best clips I've heard here have been recorded into a <$500 interface, and I'm happy of what I can get with my Mackie Onyx Satellite!
Yeah I've heard many amazing tones here, most of the time with "cheap" gear. I think the first thing is EARS, a good amp, good cab if possible, a 57, and creativity maybe. With all that you can get very good tones musicwise.
I think now that if you want something that will be amazing soundwise and which does justice to the tone you just found, high ends pres/converters will make your tone shine more, really. It's two separate things IMO.

Posting the link to the samples here would be great.

Thanks for taking the time to do it.


Joe, agreed. Barely covering the dustcap is where it's at...........for the moment anyway. :lol:

Posting the link to the samples here would be great.

Thanks for taking the time to do it.


Joe, agreed. Barely covering the dustcap is where it's at...........for the moment anyway. :lol:

Cool man...You mean barely touching it right?? I need to experiment more when I have a few free days.

I also need to get another metal guitar. I love my Les Paul to death, but for ultra chug I'd prefer EMGs.

Cool man...You mean barely touching it right?? I need to experiment more when I have a few free days.

I also need to get another metal guitar. I love my Les Paul to death, but for ultra chug I'd prefer EMGs.


Yep, barely touching it, majority over the cone. Just watch the mids they can be a bit weird.
GuitarHack: I've got the same cab & love it. My question: Are you sure you're on the best speaker? Take a 30 second clip & reamp it through each speaker with the same mic on the cap/cone joint. Pick the best one & tweak from there.
I always mic that area and have no harshess in the full mix

In this clip

If I recall correctly the guitars on their own ain't too special.

But I'm all about the full mix. As a guitarist I don't give a shit how it sounds on it's own. Just the Mix

Sorry about the mix ramblings. I just read some stupid shit like "I bet the guitar sounds like shit on it's own the mix makes it sound good!". Well duh...

Ohhh...I found a clip with just the 5150 using the just off dustcap technique...

E standard for a change hahaha. None of this Drop Z Flat.
Yeah I think I am currently on the best speaker. I tested all the speakers when I first got the cab but now that's it's broken in it may be worthwhile doing it again. Thanks for the tip.

I remember those songs. The manmadegod tone is brilliant. I agree about RAW guitar tones, they do tend to sound harsh/fizzy solo'd, so it is very hard to judge them outside a mix.

To illustrate my point regarding micing the join, I have recorded Ed's DI's with the mic 50/50 Cap/Cone about 10mm away (a little less than 1/2" for you imperial guys :lol:). There are 4 versions:

6505 quadtracked
Rev quadtracked
Rev 100 Pans 6505 80 Pans (1db lower for the 80 pans)
6505 100 Pans Rev 80 Pans (1db lower for the 80 pans)

All clips have only had 60Hz/12kHz HP/LP.

Settings were:

6505 Lead Channel (out of 10)
Pre 3
Bass 9
Mids 2
Treb 5
Post 2.5
Res 10
Pres 8

Rev (out of 10)
Pres 6
Sweep 3
Bass 8
Mids 4
Treb 5
Master 2.5
Gain 5.5

Both amps had OD808 in front with the following o'clock settings
OD 7 (Min)
Tone 12
Balance 12

Rev 100 6505 80

6505 100 Rev 80



Thanks to Ed for letting me use his DI's and allowing me to post the results. Cheers.

Sorry to Hijack but where'd you get your Reamp device from in Australia...using the Presonus as a Reamp device works though..but I'd rather a proper Reamp device.

Sorry to Hijack but where'd you get your Reamp device from in Australia...using the Presonus as a Reamp device works though..but I'd rather a proper Reamp device.

Hahahahaha, if you're gonna hijack, I can't think of a better way to do it :lol:
@poida: Great stuff man. Props to posting that ManMade clip again. Some of the most crushing tone I've heard from a home studio environment. Couple that with some decent pres/converters and you're flying.

@GH: I don't know if it'll help but I've posted up a snippet of some guitars I tracked about 2 years ago for the Eye of the Enemy EP. It was 6505+ with Mesa Trad cab. No TS.

Clip is here:

Pics are here:

I think the amp setting there is the rhythm tone. Anyhow, these clips sort of accentuate my motto of 'more meat, less buzz', as these were amazingly easy to slot into the mix compared to a lot of other tones I've done. They sound a bit poxy solo'd like that, but what can you do. Also, note that they were clipping at the mic pre stage due to yours truly having a fever and the meters being off (hence couldn't hear and couldn't see).

You can hear the finished product at:
GuitarHack: I've got the same cab & love it. My question: Are you sure you're on the best speaker? Take a 30 second clip & reamp it through each speaker with the same mic on the cap/cone joint. Pick the best one & tweak from there.

Do you use same Volume settings ? Which level please ?
Yeah, that's the idea. Leave the amp setting alone for each take. (make sure you're reamping so there's no performance difference) Mic up each speaker individually. Set the amp the way how YOU like it.
Yeah, that's the idea. Leave the amp setting alone for each take. (make sure you're reamping so there's no performance difference) Mic up each speaker individually. Set the amp the way how YOU like it.

If I set the amp volume too high, there is no risk record some distortions, strange sound colors from microphones ? For example SHURE SM 57 LCE, SHURE SM 81 LC.
With "grainy" you don't happen to mean "fizzy"?
Put the treble at 11.30 o clock and precense at 03.00 o clock.
Use an EQ to remove some at 3k with a narrow q-setting.

The least "Fizzy" cab i've ever tried was an ENGL standard with V60's.
Yeah, but "fizz" is good in moderation, cuz it often equals "cut," and from what I've heard, that's the last word anyone would use to describe a V60...