Frederik Johansson


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2002
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I really loved the guitar work of Frederik and Niklas on Projector but after that he left the band. In an interview I read Mikael said that the reason why Frederik left was that he did not attend to band meetings on a regular basis and that he didn't want to go on tour no more.

A few days ago a met a bunch of guys from Gothenburg and they said that Frederik is married to the blonde girl of Ace of Base :-( and she was the reason why he left because she didn't want him to leave her alone and she didn't want to go on tour with him.
Does anybody know if that story is true?

Well, the reason I heard was that he got married and all, and wanted to concentrate on his career and family, no time for DT. But I really don't think it was the girl from Ace of Base :lol:
Man... tough decision. Band or the girl.
Originally posted by Ormir
Well, the reason I heard was that he got married and all, and wanted to concentrate on his career and family, no time for DT. But I really don't think it was the girl from Ace of Base :lol:

I did a search and it mentioned her boyfriend as Fredrik Johansson living together in Gothenburg. I wonder how many "Fredrik Johansson"s live in Gothenburg?
Driving the issue to more serious horizons, I hate deeply these second effects of fall in love or even get married. I assume that when you fall in love several things in your life not only could change, they unavoidably change due to the new and strong concepts introduced in your life (different points of view, new perspectives, goals and obviously a new way to feel). But must they change until modify your professional aspirations, previous wishes and defined directions (if you counted on them).

Yeah, I know, it's more complex than the way I vaguely described, there's no doubt. But when you have lived a life dedicated to the music, I wonder how a feeling (strong feeling, even) might change your life. Think about Lennon or Frederik and the Ace Of Base experience, hehe. Even Rafaella Carra :p

Originally posted by |ngenius
Driving the issue to more serious horizons, I hate deeply these second effects of fall in love or even get married. I assume that when you fall in love several things in your life not only could change, they unavoidably change due to the new and strong concepts introduced in your life (different points of view, new perspectives, goals and obviously a new way to feel). But must they change until modify your professional aspirations, previous wishes and defined directions (if you counted on them).

Yeah, I know, it's more complex than the way I vaguely described, there's no doubt. But when you have lived a life dedicated to the music, I wonder how a feeling (strong feeling, even) might change your life. Think about Lennon or Frederik and the Ace Of Base experience, hehe. Even Rafaella Carra :p


I agree with what you say, part of getting married and living with someone is to learn to compromise. Sometimes you have to miss out or not do as much somthing that has been a big part of your life.

Some people of course do not do this, but usually you find releationships where the male still goes out and parties like he was single end up in disaster and unhappiness.

Its all down to compromise.

Also I work away regular, but always come home weekedns, I can imagine the strain that it puts on the releatioship him being away for weeks/months at a time while touring.

He has deceided that being in the band is not as important as being with his wife (and kids if they have any), good luck to him I say. I am sure he is still playing the guitar it may b he gets some studio projexts going.
Some google searching revealed that Fredrik Johansson is from Gothenburg and they live there together. He is also a guitarist. :confused: Somebody HAS to ask a DT member to clear this up.
Originally posted by Ormir
Well, the reason I heard was that he got married and all, and wanted to concentrate on his career and family, no time for DT. But I really don't think it was the girl from Ace of Base :lol:
ha ha ,it is not the girl from ass of bass,now you all can sleep good..
Originally posted by warwick
ha ha ,it is not the girl from ass of bass,now you all can sleep good..
Wow, that's a relief. Considering this Fredrik Johansson guy also played guitars on their newest album :lol: That really would have been low, from guitarist of Dark Tranquillity to Ace of Base :lol:
Now could this Fredrik Johansson 'from' Ace of Base be the same one from the one that did the solo for In Flames' "December Flower"?
well, i don't know anything about fredrik's personal life, but i want to point out that "MetalOfHonor" sure is a funny nickname :lol:

Originally posted by solefald
well yes I think its him as If and DT are really good friends since years..

in flames are not ace of base though. :lol:
you know, it's a given that the guy johansson in december flower is not the former dt member. now we were wondering if he could have been that other guy, the one married to the singer in ace of base. now, for once in flames had very little to do with it. :D

Originally posted by rahvin
in flames are not ace of base though. :lol:
you know, it's a given that the guy johansson in december flower is not the former dt member. now we were wondering if he could have been that other guy, the one married to the singer in ace of base. now, for once in flames had very little to do with it. :D


no, it must be a third Fredrik Johansson, not the one married to the Ace of Base girl, and not the ex DT member either :p

(Johansson's mass production)
Johansson is Swedens most common surname, and Fredrik is a quite common name too. So it´s probably some other Fredrik

np: Dimmu Borgir - behind the curtains of night