Free album (progressive metal, fusion)


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2009

I have been recording this album for over a year. I"m not satisfied with the mix but i hope you like it.



Download: 2010.rar

Critics & comments welcome.

I have been recording this album for over a year. I"m not satisfied with the mix but i hope you like it.



Download: 2010.rar

Guitars: EBMM Petrucci, Revalver
Bass: Broomstick Bass
Drums: Addictive Drums, Evolve Mutations
Synths: Nexus, Absynth

Critics & comments welcome.

good song!

could you please upload the tracks?

I will mix 1 song for you in my spare time, if you don't mind.

thank you
This thread unquestionably needs bumping. I feel it deserves far more attention than it has got so far.

Really good stuff, dude. I feel the mixes suit the music just fine. :)
Much of the legato reminds me of Frederik Thordendals leads on Sol Niger Within.

Thank you for making this available for free. :kickass:
Heard some little pieces and guess what... Downloading right now!
I like it, don't be too hard on yourself for the mix, I think the mix fits the music pretty well.
Man, this album sounds great!
Great music, great performance!
Went straight into my iPod!

Keep the good work
Very Nice !
Listened around 10 times, great creativity ^^

It sounds pretty nice in my opinion !
Love it! can't believe this thread hasn't received more replies, some of the best stuff I've heard over here.

I really like the massive synth wall you got. The only thing that I didn't like with the mix was that the drums felt a bit too bright compared to the rest of the mix, esp kick and snare.
I listened through them all. The songs are great. I really enjoyed them. I would suggest working on a more dynamic vibrato though, it's mostly on rabbit speed now.

Great artwork too!
I'm not usually a big fan of fusion or instrumental music but this is awesome! The mix is not bad either.
Thanks for sharing!

btw the dropbox link doesn't work for me either, let us know if you fix it, I'm definitely interested in downloading the whole album, thanks.
i think the outer space theme is probably the coolest thing i have ever seen. this is good shit man keep doing what your doing and make another album!

BUMP as fuck.
It is an awesome album, and the mix is really great. The drums could sound kinda weird in another album, but I think every instruments fit your music pretty well !
Could you post some informations about what you are using in Revalver please ?