14 x 5 1/2 Inch Super Solid 3/4 thick solid ply DW Snare. Processed with A touch of EQ and A touch of Plate verb...Overheads on as well. Have dry version is anyone is interested, let me know. Hope you guys enjoy em.
5 hits @ 24 bit/44.k .wav files as well as a gog file. Lemme know if you end up using em for anything, would love to hear it.

Processed Link:
TCI's: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qhvktycwla5gtjz/trench_snare.rar
"DRY" Unprocessed Link:
5 hits @ 24 bit/44.k .wav files as well as a gog file. Lemme know if you end up using em for anything, would love to hear it.

Processed Link:
TCI's: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qhvktycwla5gtjz/trench_snare.rar
"DRY" Unprocessed Link: