Free filter plugin... or other EQ copy plugins..

Jun 2, 2005
Have posted something simillar like this thread about half a year ago.. but am really curious how you guys feel about this plugin.. i have it, but have not used it to it's fullest potential yet, yet i feel there is potential when i heard Dan Swano uses it as well...

Would one use it for a whole song on the master track, or for guitars? i heard he used a korn, and also entombed and a at the gates EQ settings to get the sound he has.. (i believe it was on bloodbath or edge of sanity?)

I mean, that sounds pretty wicked to me, and i am wondering if this little plugin really has so much influence on the sounds like his...
Well if you have the gear, technically you should be able to pull great sounds yourself without 'copying' anybody else's frequency characteristics. It was kind of novel when I played around with freefilter initially... especially here at home where my gear is below mediocre, but I don't know... I'd probably only use it to attempt to salvage a really bad session, where things have been tracked incorrectly and such.